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Do Now November 2 nd, 2015. Match Parts of a Plot 1. exposition 2. resolution 3. setting 4. characters 5. falling action 6. rising action 7. climax 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now November 2 nd, 2015. Match Parts of a Plot 1. exposition 2. resolution 3. setting 4. characters 5. falling action 6. rising action 7. climax 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now November 2 nd, 2015

2 Match Parts of a Plot 1. exposition 2. resolution 3. setting 4. characters 5. falling action 6. rising action 7. climax 8. conflict a. Where and when the story takes place b. All of the information the reader need to know before the story begins. Who are the characters? What is the problem? What is the setting? c. All of the events in the story leading up to the climax. The tension in the story is building. d.: The turning point in the story. The tension is at its highest point in the story. e. All of the events after the climax. The tension of the story comes down. f. How is the problem/conflict in the story solved g. The problem in the story. h. People or animals that are in the story.

3 Objective  SWBAT describe the relationships between key characters and events IOT analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

4 Amigo Brothers Vocabulary pg 18 – 23 (red)  barrage – (n.) a rapid, heavy attack  devastating - (adj.) very effective in causing pain or destruction  torrent – (n.) a violent, rushing stream  pensively – (adj.) thoughtfully

5  perpetual - (adj.) continual; unending  unbridled - (adj.) lacking restraint or control  bedlam – (n.) a noisy confusion  dispel – (v.) to get rid of  flail - (v.) to wave wildly  clarity – (n.) clearness of mind

6 Abuela Invents the Zero Vocabulary pg. 72-75 (green)  Compromise  Retrieve  Congregation  Inconvenient  Eriscope

7 Frayer Model Vocabulary


9 Small Group Reading

10 Do Now November 4 th, 2015

11 Objective  SWBAT describe the relationships between key characters and events IOT analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

12 Amigo Brothers pg 18 – 23 (red) Abuela Invents the Zero pg. 72-75 (green) Independent Reading

13 In Small groups, record 5 important points of the story.

14 Match these 5 important events to the parts of a plot.  Exposition  Rising Action  Climax  Falling Action  Resolution

15 Analyze these points, finding evidence from the story.

16 Do Now November 5 th, 2015

17 Objective  SWBAT describe the relationships between key characters and events IOT analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

18 Review HW worksheet

19 Finish analyzing your story.

20 Do Now November 6 th, 2015 What does the suffix –er do? How does it effect the following words: Teach  teacher Build  builder Short  shorter


22 Test taking  When finished, please complete any make up work or missing assignments.

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