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Human evolution Where did we come from?.. Human Evolution.

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2 Human evolution Where did we come from?..

3 Human Evolution

4 Summary of first fossils… 1 st fossils: 3.5 billion years old (bacteria formed in sea) 1 st multicellular fossil: 700 million years old 1 st modern body plan: 505 million years ago 1 st plants on land: 430 million years ago 1 st land animal: 400 million years ago (insects) 1 st vertebrate land animal: 320 million years ago (amphibians) 1 st reptile: 350 million years ago 1 st mammal: 240 million years ago 1 st primate: 60-65 million years ago 1 st human: 3 million years ago

5 Primates Group of mammals that includes: prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans

6 Primate Ancestors (80 MYA) How did we get here, from this?

7 First Primate 65 MYA 1.Limbs: a. Forelimbs and hind limbs mobile b. Opposable thumbs for power grip (holding on) and precision grip (picking up small objects) 2. Vision: Forward-facing eyes for binocular vision (allowing depth perception) Increased reliance on vision: reduced noses, snouts (smaller, flattened), loss of vibrissae (whiskers), and relatively small, hairless ears Color vision 3: Brain: a.Well developed b.Visual portion is large (cones=color) c.Diurnal (awake during day, asleep at night.=more intelligence Bonus: Generalist teeth for an opportunistic, omnivorous diet Greater facial mobility and vocal repertoire

8 First Primate 65 MYA Forward-facing eyes for binocular vision (allowing depth perception) Increased reliance on vision: reduced noses, snouts (smaller, flattened), loss of vibrissae (whiskers), and relatively small, hairless ears Color vision Opposable thumbs for power grip (holding on) and precision grip (picking up small objects) Generalist teeth for an opportunistic, omnivorous diet Greater facial mobility and vocal repertoire Complicated social organization

9 Prosimians 55 mya Lemurs and Tarsiers

10 Prosimians (not direct ancestors of humans) Gave rise to lemurs, tarsiers, lorises

11 Anthropoids



14 30 mya Old World and New World Monkeys

15 Platyrrhines (New World Monkeys) Long Tail Flat Noses

16 Catarrhines (Old World Monkeys) Long noses Shorter Tails

17 Cercopithecoids (not a direct human ancestor) Long noses Short/no tails Baboons

18 Hominoids Chimps, Gorillas, Orangutan 25 mya Walk on all 4s

19 Hominoids… Please stand up

20 Human Evolution Which pressures did our hominid ancestors face? What factors caused our evolution while many other groups didn’t evolve or simply went extinct? -

21 Human Evolution Question 1: Why did hominid groups stand up? Question 2: What specific adaptations had to occur to let our ancestors stand up straight? Question 3: What was the biggest factor that led to human intelligence? Question 4: What role did persistence hunting play in human evolution? Question 5: What role did fire play in our evolution? Question 6: What role did a rapidly changing environment play on our evolution?


23 Which specific changes had to occur?

24 Specific Changes We stood up We got smart (some of us) Our brains got bigger (more protein) (fire, social) Our faces got flatter Our teeth and jaw muscles got smaller We lost our hair (most of it) Our skin got darker, or lighter We developed tools We developed abstract thinking (some of us) We manipulated our envionment


26 Human Evolution videos https://Persistence HuntingPersistence Hunting Becoming Human Episode 1 Becoming Human Episode 2 What Darwin Never Knew The Biology of Skin Color

27 Hominids Some evidence that they date back 6 mya Walk on two legs



30 Major Changes in Hominoid Skeleton



33 Evolution Skull Challenge Use your observations to put the skull models in order: Step 1: Measure all seven skulls (the same 5 measurements for each skull) Step 2: Complete the short readings Step 3: Watch Becoming Human parts 1 and 2.

34 Human Evolution Question 1: Why did hominid groups stand up? Question 2: What specific adaptations had to occur to let our ancestors stand up straight? Question 3: What was the biggest factor that led to human intelligence? Question 4: What role did persistence hunting play in human evolution? Question 5: What role did fire play in our evolution? Question 6: What role did a rapidly changing environment play on our evolution?

35 Becoming Human Part 1: Walking Upright Part 2: Birth of Humanity

36 Evolution Skull Challenge Please use the evidence you collected to create a timeline that puts the following human ancestor groups in the proper order. Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) Archaic Humans: Homo Erectus, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens neanderthalansis, homo sapiens sapiens Australopithecus bosei Chimpanzees Gorillas -Please include specific groups/times when each of the major physical adaptations and major intelligence events occurred. (include: walking upright, losing hair, using tools, bigger brains, abstract thought) Use Your evidence!

37 Becoming Human Part 1: Walking Upright Part 2: Birth of Humanity

38 Hominids A.Australopithecines B.Archaic Humans C.Modern Human Question: What does the evidence show us about when and where specific changes occurred to lead to upright walking and increased intelligence?

39 Australopithecines

40 Archaic Humans Homo habilus Homo erectus Homo sapiens neanderthalansis

41 Modern Humans Cro-Magnon


43 Modern Humans

44 Primate Migrations

45 Cro-Magnon

46 Homo sapiens sapiens


48 Sasquatch?

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