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Statistics. “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that” Homer Simpson.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics. “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that” Homer Simpson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics

2 “Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that” Homer Simpson

3 Correlation does not imply causation…. It is the RELATIONSHIP between 2 variables Positive Correlation= one variable (factor) increases and the other also increases (ex. Need for achievement/Salaries) Negative Correlation=one variable (factor) increases and the other decreases (ex. Stress/health)  Perfect Negative= -1.00  No Relationship= 0  Perfect Positive= +1.00

4 Descriptive statistics Inferential statistics Summarize and describe data Measures of central tendancy  Correlation data (relationship data)  Mean  Median  Mode  Measures of variability Allow us to infer and draw conclusions from research Or What is significant? 95% or greater chance that the difference between groups is not due to chance This is called (p.05) or sampling error Two general categories….

5 Beware the Gambler’s Fallacy… Wrongly assuming that something happened when it happened due to chance. If you need an ace you cannot assume that one will be dealt to you- just because you haven’t been dealt one “yet”

6 The Mean.. The mathematical average of a set of values

7 The Mode…. The value in a set of scores that occurs most frequently

8 The median….. The middle value in a set of scores (think median strip down the middle of the highway)

9 For the following data- calculate the mean, median and mode Class One: 94, 92, 85, 81, 80, 73, 62 Class Two: 85, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 77 Mean: Median: Mode:

10 Polygon=fancy name for a line graph Histogram=fancy name for a bar graph Types of Graphs…

11 Normal Distribution= looks like a “bell shaped” curve Skewed Distribution= scores clustered in one direction or another Skewed Distribution

12 Range Standard Deviation  Difference between the highest and lowest scores  (only takes into account the two most extreme scores)  Calculate the Range.. Tells the actual amount of difference between one score and the mean Variance=calculation of standard deviation The measure of variability (or spread of scores)

13 How far was each player from the Mean? SeasonHome runs player A Home runs Player B 12345671234567 10 34 17 36 11 13 40 19 20 25 17 15 20 24 Player APlayer B Mean Median Mode Which Player do you want? Lets give this a try..

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