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The Powerful Influencer Coaching People to Influence Health and Safety Goals.

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Presentation on theme: "The Powerful Influencer Coaching People to Influence Health and Safety Goals."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Powerful Influencer Coaching People to Influence Health and Safety Goals

3 Today’s Plan About Influence Coaching As Your Style Credibility Common Ground Vivid H & S Evidence Emotional Connection

4 What is influence?

5 Influence is the ability to bring about change.

6 Influence is not about selling, tricking, or making someone do something.

7 Can you influence someone alone, or does the other person have to participate?

8 How long does it take to influence or persuade another person?

9 Coaching Coaching 9 Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text.

10 Where should your focus be when you want to influence others?

11 What is the first thing you need to think about when you plan to influence someone?

12 Coaching

13 Three Questions 1.What do you want? 2.What is the value of what you want? 3.What do you believe is the value of your proposition to the audience/listener?

14 What questions would you ask about your listeners?

15 At a minimum, you should ask: 1.What does your audience already know? 2.What does your audience think/feel?

16 Define the what’s-in-it- for-me benefits (AKA the WIIFM) for your peers.

17 Today’s Plan About Persuasion Credibility Common Ground Vivid H & S Evidence Emotional Connection

18 How can you set the stage to build trust and appear believable?

19 What do credible people look like? What do credible people sound like?

20 List two or three bullet points which describe your influence expertise.

21 Good grooming conveys that you care how your audience will perceive you.

22 Avoid speaking in a monotone or measured speech patterns Emphasize key words and phrases Add some emotion.

23 “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” ― Albert Schweitzer

24 Include references to believable experts on the subject. Find credible, trusted experts that you can cite.

25 Do you have a relationship of trust with your audience? Are you known for being truthful, reliable, and trustworthy?

26 “The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is integrity.” Zig Ziglar

27 Today’s Plan About Persuasion Credibility Common Ground Vivid H & S Evidence Emotional Connection

28 Who do people typically say “yes” to?

29 Finding common ground requires that you to do your homework.

30 Listen and ask follow up questions. Review, and consider what you have in common with others.

31 Factor your new understanding into your conversation. How will you communicate your common ground?

32 Today’s Plan About Persuasion Credibility Common Ground Vivid H & S Evidence Emotional Connection

33 Vivid H & S evidence has a stronger impact. Vivid H & S evidence is more memorable.

34 Each of us has preferences for believing ideas. Your listeners or peers may have preferences that are different than yours.

35 What kind of Health and Safety evidence or examples can you present?

36 Include the type of evidence that is not your preference.

37 THINGS: Data, charts, tables, statistics, graphics PEOPLE: Quotes, anecdotes, analogies about relevant people ORGANIZATION: Issues, goals, advantages, disadvantages

38 Today’s Plan About Persuasion Credibility Common Ground Vivid H & S Evidence Emotional Connection

39 People want to feel acknowledged, respected, and important. Make eye contact.

40 Make more “you statements.”

41 Re-write these statements using you-focused language.

42 Listeners love to hear a story. Tell a story that connects with your audience and your message.

43 Put yourself in their shoes. Consider the risks and benefits from their vantage point.

44 Acknowledge well-known objections. Build answers into your conversation or presentation.

45 Learn to read and adjust for the emotions you sense in your listeners. Look at them! Observe tone, gestures, facial expressions, and body language.

46 What does it mean when…

47 Showing no emotions

48 Icy stares

49 Leaning forward

50 Shifting in their seats or when standing.

51 Fidgeting or distracted

52 Sighing

53 Rolling their eyes

54 Smiling and nodding

55 Drifting in and out

56 Check Your Tool Box for Coaching Health and Safety Matters!


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