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Great Britain Tourism Survey February 2016. 2 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Headlines February 2016 There were 7.6 million domestic overnight.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Britain Tourism Survey February 2016. 2 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Headlines February 2016 There were 7.6 million domestic overnight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Britain Tourism Survey February 2016

2 2 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Headlines February 2016 There were 7.6 million domestic overnight trips in GB in February 2016, which is down from 7.8 million in February 2015. Expenditure increased by +2% to £1.4 billion, while number of nights decreased to 18.3 million. There were 6.2 million domestic overnight trips to England in February 2016, down by -6% on the same month last year when there were 6.6 million. Spend decreased by 5% to £1.03 billion and bednights decreased by -3% to 14.9 million. YEAR-TO-DATE In the year to February 2016, GB trips were down -6% to 13.9 million, compared to 14.8 million in the same period in 2015. Expenditure and nights were also down for the year to date, -3% and -6% respectively. In the year to February 2016, trips to England were down -7% to 11.7 million from 12.6 million in 2015. Spend and nights were down by -5% and -6% respectively. Context February began unsettled and wet with westerly and south-westerly winds. It was generally mild, wet and cloudy during the first half, with some strong winds around the 8th associated with Storm Imogen, but the second half was colder, drier and sunnier, particularly from the 22nd onwards, with some overnight frost. Summary of Results GB And England Trips Nights -3%-1%+2% Spend -6%-3%-5% -6% -3% Weather -7% -6% -5%

3 3 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 YEAR-TO-DATE (Jan–February 2016) Trip Characteristics TripsNightsSpend PURPOSE HOLIDAY TRIPS in England from January to February 2016 increased by +2% compared to the same period last year, with 4.1 million trips recorded. Expenditure has increased further by +14% to £978 million, while nights increased by +5% to 9.8 million. VISITS TO FRIENDS AND RELATIVES decreased by -14% to 5.1 million, with bednights and expenditure both decreasing by similar proportions, -13% and -14% respectively. Non-holiday VFR is down by -26%, and holiday VFR is down by -4%. BUSINESS trips have also decreased for the January to February period, down by -3% to 2 million. Nights and spend decreased compared to the same period in 2015, by - 3% and -20% respectively. Summary of Results England +2%+5%+14% -14%-13%-14% -3% -20% TRIP TAKERS Trips have decreased among all age groups except 45-54s and decreased amongst all social grades, except C1s. The biggest decrease has been among those aged 35-44 (-23%), and the only increase has been for 45-54 (+7%) and in social class C1 (+3%). West MidlandsSeaside DESTINATION TYPE All regions, except West Midlands and South West, and destination types, except seaside, saw a decrease in trips in the year. The greatest increase was to the West Midlands and to seaside destinations. -23% +11% +3% 35-44 +7% 45-54 Class C1

4 4 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Overseas Travel by UK Residents International Passenger Survey February 2016JAN - February 2016 TripSpendTripSpend In February, trips and the expenditure on those trips by Brits overseas increased by +20% and +22% respectively. In the year to date, overseas trips were up by +11%. Expenditure also increased, at 12%. Other Tourism Surveys February 15RoomBedspace OCCUPANCY Room occupancy in England in February increased by +1% compared to 2015 at 64%, while bedspace remained unchanged at 46%. Dec-February 16 VolumeSpend DAY VISITS The number of tourism day visits in England in the period December to February 2016 increased by +15% compared to 2015, to 316.7 million The value of those visits increased by +16% to £10.9 billion Jan 16AttractionsAccomodation TOURISM BUSINESS MONITOR Attractions businesses reported an increase in visitor numbers for the period from January to the end of March compared to the same period last year. Many accommodation businesses reported the same numbers or a decrease. Context Other Surveys +20%+12%+22%+11% +2% 0%  +1% +15% +16%

5 5 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Headline Data GB and England Volume and spend (2015 vs 2016)  -6% +12% -7%  -3% +9% -6%  -5% +5% -5%  +2% +6% -3% England a a 2015 2016 GB a a 2015 2016  % change vs 2015 * As separate data for November and December 2014 is not available, Past 5 months data has been displayed instead of the usual past 3 months data

6 6 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Trips England Volume of trips (millions) (2015 vs 2016)  -6%+0%+7%-15%+12%+5%-11%+24%-7%+2%-3%-14% All trips aa 20152016 Holiday trips aa 20152016 Business trips aa 20152016 VFR trips aa 20152016  % change vs 2015 * As separate data for November and December 2014 is not available, Past 5 months data has been displayed instead of the usual past 3 months data

7 7 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016  -3%+5%+11%-13%+16%-4%-17%+40%-6%+5%-3%-13% Nights England Volume of nights (millions) (2015 vs 2016) All trips aa 20152016 Holiday trips aa 20152016 Business trips aa 20152016 VFR trips aa 20152016  % change vs 2015 * As separate data for November and December 2014 is not available, Past 5 months data has been displayed instead of the usual past 3 months data

8 8 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016  -5%+17%-23%-26%+5%+8%-27%+28%-5%+14%-20%-14% Spend England Expenditure (£m) (2015 vs 2016) All trips aa 20152016 Holiday trips aa 20152016 Business trips aa 20152016 VFR trips aa 20152016  % change vs 2015 * As separate data for November and December 2014 is not available, Past 5 months data has been displayed instead of the usual past 3 months data

9 9 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Long Term Trends by Month GB 2006-2016 (millions)

10 10 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Long Term Trends, Year-to-Year England Holiday TripsAll TripsBusiness TripsVFR Trips

11 11 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Rolling 12 Month Trendlines England All trips and spend

12 12 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Rolling 12 Month Trendlines England Trips by purpose (millions) Holiday tripsBusiness tripsVFR trips

13 13 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Rolling 12 Month Trendlines England Spend by purpose (£m) Holiday tripsBusiness tripsVFR trips

14 14 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 South East YTD 20152016  22122126-4% 55095127-7% 287322+12% Regional Analysis England Trip characteristics – region (YTD 2015 vs YTD 2016) Trips (000s) Spend (£ millions) Nights (000s) North East YTD 20152016  574372-35% 1272798-37% 8364-23% North West YTD 20152016  17041429-16% 36773004-18% 308235-24% West Midlands YTD 20152016  9541060+11% 19301984+3% 167111-34% Yorkshire & Humberside YTD 20152016  13801148-17% 31372589-18% 217194-11% East Midlands YTD 20152016  1047956-9% 22752207-3% 11814825% East YTD 20152016  11411071-6% 26612429-9% 140185+32% South West YTD 20152016  18581967+6% 51755301+2% 342356+4% London YTD 20152016  18821701-10% 34523990+16% 427372-13%

15 15 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 UK Outbound Travel (International Passenger Survey) Total volume (millions) and spend (£bn) Trips aa 20152016 Spend aa 20152016  +20%+22%+13%+14%+11%+12%  % change vs 2014

16 16 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Appendix: Domestic Tourism England Trip characteristics (Year-To-Date: Jan-February 2016) PURPOSE Pure Holiday1-3 nights+4 nights VFR (on holiday) Holiday (total) VFR (non-holiday) VFR (total) Business TRIPS 000s 2015 3977329668132467223260858542105 2016 4057323382431197175193250512048  2%-2%21%-4%-1%-26%-14%-3% NIGHTS 000s 2015 9349589034597790171385666134564777 2016 9843545543887381172244335117154641  5%-7%27%-5%1%-23%-13%-3% SPEND £millions 2015 8616572043651226222586516 2016 9786882893401318167507412  14%5%42%-7%8%-25%-13%-20% Unwtd Trips 555430123429983272701224 REGION West MidlandsEast of EnglandEast MidlandsLondonNorth WestNorth EastSouth EastSouth West Yorkshire & the Humberside TRIPS 000s 2015 9541141104718821704574221218581380 2016 1060107195617011429372212619671148  11%-6%-9%-10%-16%-35%-4%6%-17% NIGHTS 000s 2015 193026612275345236771272550951753137 2016 19842429220739903004798512753012589  3%-9%-3%16%-18%-37%-7%2%-17% SPEND £millions 2015 16714011842730883287342217 2016 11118514837223564322356194  -34%32%25%-13%-24%-23%12%4%-11% Unwtd Trips 14015012021818850273265154  % change vs 2014

17 17 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 SOCIAL GRADE ABC1C2DE TRIPS 000s 2015 5918350918041327 2016 5248363015951192  -11%3%-12%-10% NIGHTS 000s 2015 13473800238403801 2016 11286890143292950  -16%11%13%-22% SPEND £millions 2015 1048586285172 2016 954597251189  -9%2%-12%10% Unwtd Trips 554526227237 CHILDREN IN H/H AnyNone TRIPS 000s 2015 36928866 2016 33408325  -10%-6% NIGHTS 000s 2015 772521391 2016 789819568  2%-9% SPEND £millions 2015 5271563 2016 5411450  3%-7% Unwtd Trips 4811058 LOCATION TYPE SeasideLarge City/TownSmall Town Countryside /Village TRIPS 000s 2015 1538634929311955 2016 1587584124921523  3%-8%-15%-22% NIGHTS 000s 2015 42361259969545286 2016 49291219555383495  16%-3%-20%-34% SPEND £millions 2015 2941150357287 2016 3101007326273  5%-12%-9%-5% Unwtd Trips 222743333205 Appendix: Domestic Tourism England AGE 16-2425-3435-4444-5455+ TRIPS 000s 2015 17042005263424323784 2016 15531990203826123471  -9%-1%-23%7%-8% NIGHTS 000s 2015 40444389547654559752 2016 33314824455258978862  -18%10%-17%8%-9% SPEND £millions 2015 269332402440647 2016 220365385448573  -18%10%-4%2%-11% Unwtd Trips 204258257286530  % change vs 2014 Trip characteristics (Year-To-Date: Jan-February 2015)

18 18 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Accommodation Commercial Accommodation (a) Serviced accom (b) Hotel/motel/guest house (c) Bed & Breakfast Total self-catering rented (a) Camping & Caravanning (inc. owned caravans) (b) Other self-catering rented Hostels* Own home/friends'/ relatives' TRIPS 000s 2015 6556560550625087552405701175778 2016 577450294621381601165446434815  -12%-10%-9%-25%-20%-31%-22%-63%-17% NIGHTS 000s 2015 1378910384919910612721767209322013942 2016 1148292508308818194436215915711580  -17%-11%-10%-23%-29%-53%-24%-74%-17% SPEND £millions 2015 1552128711641052333121212499 2016 140112451128101136111266397  -10%-3% -4%-42%-65%-41%-50%-20% Unwtd Trips 762664610507922596636 Appendix: Domestic Tourism England Trip characteristics (Year-To-Date: Jan-February 2015) *caution small sample size  % change vs 2014

19 19 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 All TourismHolidaysBusinessVFR 201120122013201420152016201120122013201420152016201120122013201420152016201120122013201420152016 Trip Length 2.452.232.352.372.322.352.432.372.142.362.352.432.032.162.322.112.27 2.32 Spend Per Night £60£73£74£72 £78£88 £92 £99£108 £121£120£108£89£38£41£42 £44£43 Spend Per Trip £147£162£174£171£166£171£189£210£187£216 £241£219£233£280£254£245£201£87£90£105£97£100 Appendix: Domestic Tourism England Year to date average trip length, spend/night, spend/trip

20 20 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 Note about these results: The GB Tourism Survey is a survey of British residents, in which 2000 respondents are interviewed each week, making a total of 100,000 each year. Any respondent having taken one or more overnight trips in the previous 4 week period is asked to describe the details of trips taken. Each year, data from around 17,000 trips is collected, and this is subsequently grossed up to provide population estimates. Full details of the survey methodology can be found at: On an annual basis, the survey is extremely robust, with a confidence level for England data at +/- 3% at the 95% level for the number of trips and nights measured, and +/- 4% for the expenditure figure. For shorter time periods and for other subsets of the data such as region or trip purpose, the margin of error is wider – guidance on confidence intervals at national and regional level for annual and quarterly data is provided on the next page. For any questions about data interpretation, please contact No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the permission of VisitEngland. Extracts may be quoted if the source is acknowledged. Users wishing to include results from this survey within a press release should contact Charlotte Sanders in the VisitEngland Press Office for review prior to external release.

21 21 GBTS February 2016 Published 16 th June 2016 GB Domestic Tourism: Confidence Limits at the 95% level Based on Quarter 1 TRIPS (millions)BEDNIGHTS (millions)EXPENDITURE (£ millions) Destination:Single QuarterAnnualSingle QuarterAnnualSingle QuarterAnnual GB Total 5.7%3.1%7.0%3.4%8.7%4.0% England Total 6.0%3.3%7.6%3.7%9.6%4.3% East 17.7%8.6%29.1%10.8%26.8%12.4% East Midlands 21.5%9.9%39.0%12.7%34.0%14.8% London 17.3%8.8%19.5%9.8%26.2%13.2% North East 25.8%13.9%39.2%16.0%30.4%15.8% North West 14.5%7.3%17.8%9.7%20.3%10.5% South East 14.6%7.2%19.2%8.4%31.5%10.6% South West 13.3%6.5%16.5%7.2%22.5%8.8% West Midlands 20.0%10.5%27.2%13.9%27.6%15.1% Yorks & Humb 16.2%8.2%23.1%9.8%22.4%11.4%

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