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Need to Include:  Name of Campaign, Slogan, Logo, Mission Statement  Overview of situation or problem and relevant background information about the topic.

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Presentation on theme: "Need to Include:  Name of Campaign, Slogan, Logo, Mission Statement  Overview of situation or problem and relevant background information about the topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Need to Include:  Name of Campaign, Slogan, Logo, Mission Statement  Overview of situation or problem and relevant background information about the topic (racism). Why should we care about this?  Campaign Pitch (PSA- Public service announcement) (30 sec. video)  Evidence of Gaining Support (posters, social media, signatures, etc.)  Call to action (where do we go for more information? Who do we contact?)  USE ETHOS/PATHOS/LOGOS (persuasive techniques)  7-10 minutes

2 Final Presentation Reminders  Be Creative!  Be Passionate!  Be Prepared!  Bring 10 copies of Brochures

3 ABIDE BY THE 7x7 RULE!  No more than 7 slides  No more than 7 bullet points  No more than 7 words per bullet point What does this mean? PRACTICE…PREPARE…BE READY! Don’t wing it- we will notice!

4 End “Ism” Campaign Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3 Group Member #4

5 Name of Campaign  Slogan  Logo  How did you develop your campaign slogan and logo? Does it mean anything?

6 Mission Statement (what we hope to accomplish)  As part of the “….” Campaign, our mission is to raise awareness…

7 The situation or problem (overview)…  Background info about the problem (racism)  Evidence (shown through charts or info from articles)  Why is this a problem?

8 Campaign Pitch  Link to a video or live pitch  zKkTHYQ zKkTHYQ

9 Evidence of Gaining Support  100 signatures…  Social media “retweets”

10 Call to Action  Where can we go for more information?  What other resources are out there?  Who would we contact?

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