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There’s Eight! Keep in Mind: It’s the FUNCTION of a word that often determines its part of speech. The same word that functions as a NOUN in one sentence,

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Presentation on theme: "There’s Eight! Keep in Mind: It’s the FUNCTION of a word that often determines its part of speech. The same word that functions as a NOUN in one sentence,"— Presentation transcript:


2 There’s Eight!


4 Keep in Mind: It’s the FUNCTION of a word that often determines its part of speech. The same word that functions as a NOUN in one sentence, may function as a VERB, ADJECTIVE, or even an ADVERB in yet another sentence!

5 What Part of Speech is “TALK”?

6 Did you blurt out “verb”? Well, it’s part of speech depends…

7 On its FUNCTION! (Let’s take a look!)

8 We talk several times a day. VERB - shows the action of the subject “we” We listened to Obama’s talk carefully. NOUN - it is a thing here My mom is hooked on the talk show “Oprah.” ADJECTIVE - talk modifies the noun “show”

9 What part of speech is the word “house”?

10 You couldn’t possibly have blurted out “noun,” right?

11 Because it all depends on its….

12 FUNCTION!!!!!!!!!!

13 We live in a cozy house. NOUN - it’s a thing here

14 Our family will house one foster dog this year. VERB - shows the action of the subject “family”

15 We ordered the house special at the Chinese Dragon. ADJECTIVE - it is modifying the noun “special”

16 A little practice: Our teacher gave us a talk. (NOUN - it’s used as a thing)

17 A little more practice: We need to talk right now! (VERB - it’s used the action of “we”)


19 What is a NOUN? A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

20 NOUNS Ms. Hart had a dream featuring dancing pigs in Maine.

21 What is a PRONOUN? A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. I am happy to give this book to Sam if he wants it. Is this yours? Which is the better choice?

22 What is an ADJECTIVE? An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. Note: articles THE, A and AN are always adjectives!

23 ADJECTIVES We have many interesting ideas. All dumplings have fine minds. The two giraffes are eating some vegetation.

24 What is a VERB? A verb is perhaps the most important part of a sentence. A verb or compound verb (also called a verb phrase) expresses actions, events, or states of being.

25 VERBS I am aware that animals bite. This spring I will plant a large vegetable garden. They should have been done with their homework by now.

26 What is an ADVERB? An adverb can modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

27 ADVERBS The fox quickly jumped up. The boldly spoken words would later haunt him. Would you please speak more quietly?

28 What is a CONJUNCTION? A conjunction is used to link words, clauses, and phrases.

29 CONJUNCTIONS We ate the pizza and the pasta. I love our yard, but I hate raking. We were good, so we will be rewarded. He is great, for there is no other like him. AND

30 What is a PREPOSITION? A preposition links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. They often indicate a time, location, or logical relationship.

31 PREPOSITIONS The book is on the table. Rusty snuggles next to Cuddles during thunderstorms. We’ll meet about 7:15 p.m. tomorrow.

32 What is an INTERJECTION? An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion; it’s not grammatically related to any other part of the sentence. They are often followed by an exclamation mark.

33 INTERJECTIONS Ouch! A snake just bit me. Hey, give me some. He has a new car, eh?


35 The End

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