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Map 4 Bomb Damage Influence Taking ideas of Escher influence forward. Layering map Bird Boxes Using a Font for initial labelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Map 4 Bomb Damage Influence Taking ideas of Escher influence forward. Layering map Bird Boxes Using a Font for initial labelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Map 4 Bomb Damage Influence Taking ideas of Escher influence forward. Layering map Bird Boxes Using a Font for initial labelling

2 Bomb Damage - looking at colour representations – I have tried to use the colours in my map.

3 Copies of reduced images to replicate my Escher design. I have used the bird design to try and demonstrate the link with the green stepping stones being introduced into London West End.


5 I have experimented with different cross hatching methods. Using different colours to try an incorporated the colours I want to use.

6 I tried to rearrange the birds as I didn't feel happy with the design, I wanted to simplify it to create a ‘Grid effect’. I thought they worked better this way.




10 I wanted to try and dull the birds so they were not so prolific as they will be part of the first layer. I coloured the birds in a more gentle colour with which I felt made them more subtle.

11 By giving them a stronger outline I felt they were beginning to look a lot more promising. I have created a green layer to cover these birds on acetate to replicate the Green Space I have explored on the route.



14 By white washing the roads of the journey I now have a pathway to place my stepping stone connection. I have cut out paper and used as bird boxes as my third layer. I like the idea of representing the wildlife and habitats with a simple design that I could then colour code to represent each species. I also incorporated the bomb damage colour coding that I have been looking for to link the route together.


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