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Greening Our Procurement of Computers OFEE Environmental Symposium By Holly Elwood, EPA May 2 and 4, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Greening Our Procurement of Computers OFEE Environmental Symposium By Holly Elwood, EPA May 2 and 4, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greening Our Procurement of Computers OFEE Environmental Symposium By Holly Elwood, EPA May 2 and 4, 2006

2 2 Agenda 1.Why Green Our Computer Purchases? 2.What is EPEAT? 3.Who is Using EPEAT? 4.How Can I Use EPEAT?

3 3 Four Key Facts About Federal Government and Electronics 1. Feds are one of world’s largest purchasers of electronics 2. Average life span of a federal computer is 3 years 3.Approximately 10,000 federally owned computers could be deemed excess or surplus each week

4 4 Four Key Facts About Federal Government and Electronics 4. Electronics represent serious environmental costs and opportunities –Contribute to our energy use/costs –May contain toxic or hazardous substances when if not properly disposed of can harm public health and the environment –Can result in environmental liabilities if not disposed of properly –Contribute to our warehouse rental costs and/or staff costs during disposal

5 5 Requirements to Buy Environmentally Preferable Electronics Executive Order 13101 requires federal agencies to buy more environmentally preferable products. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) also require green purchasing.

6 6 Requirements to Buy Environmentally Preferable Electronics FAR SubPart 23.703 requires feds to: “(a) Implement cost-effective contracting preference programs promoting energy-efficiency, water conservation, and the acquisition of environmentally preferable products and services; and (b) Employ acquisition strategies that affirmatively implement the following environmental objectives: (1) Maximize the utilization of environmentally preferable products and services (based on EPA- issued guidance).“

7 7 EPEAT FAR Case has been submitted by OMB to the FAR Council Energy Policy Act requires feds to buy Energy Star and FEMP compliant electronics Requirements to Buy Environmentally Preferable Electronics

8 8 What is the Federal Electronics Challenge? The FEC is a purchasing, use, and end-of life management challenge issued for Federal facilities or agencies to: 1.Purchase greener electronic products 2. Manage electronic assets in an environmentally sound manner 3. Receive assistance and network with other agencies to improve current practices

9 FEC MOU Background Signed on Nov 15, 2004 Twelve Federal Agencies and EOP Approximately 84% of the annual IT Federal budget

10 FEC Procurement Goals By 2008, 95% of computer units purchased by eligible FEC Partners are EPEAT Bronze qualified or higher

11 11 OMB Environmental Scorecard Includes rating for meeting FEC goals and objectives To get green rating, must: –Meet all objectives of FEC MOU –Buying EPEAT registered products is the main way to meet FEC MOU green procurement objectives

12 Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool

13 13 What is EPEAT TM ? An environmental procurement tool designed to help institutional purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, laptops and monitors based on their environmental attributes.

14 14 EPEAT Has Two Main Components: 1) Set of voluntary environmental performance criteria (IEEE 1680 American National Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products – NOW FINAL!) 2) System for identifying and verifying products which meet this criteria (

15 15 EPEAT Environmental Performance Categories Environmentally Sensitive Materials Materials Selection Design for End of Life Product Longevity/Life Cycle Extension Energy Conservation End of Life Management Corporate Performance Packaging

16 16 EPEAT Tiers 1.EPEAT Bronze– Meets the 23 mandatory criteria 2.EPEAT Silver– Meets all mandatory criteria and 50% of the optional criteria 3.EPEAT Gold– Meets all mandatory criteria and 75% of the optional criteria

17 17 EPEAT Process Manufacturer –Signs Agreement with EPEAT Host Organization –Completes annual report on corporate performance and end-of- life management criteria –Evaluates and self-declares products against criteria –Submits data on web-based system, which calculates award level EPEAT Host Organization –Conduct random after market spot checks –Request documentation to verify claims –Conduct periodic review and update criteria –Convene stakeholder group to determine next electronic products to develop environmental standards for

18 18 Current EPEAT Users Dept. of Defense, Army5.0B Dept. of Homeland Security6.0B Dept. of Energy0.4B Veterans Administration4.2B Dept. of Interior0.2B NASA SEWP IV5.6B State of Massachusetts 0.08B Total$21.48B+

19 19 DHS IT Contract Language on EPEAT Excerpt from FirstSource: –C.4.1.4 System Requirements “…The Contractor is advised that DHS is an active participant in the Federal Electronics Challenge program. During the term of this contract, the Government reserves the right to purchase exclusively or otherwise provide preference for specific models of desktop computers, notebooks and monitors qualified through the Electronics Products Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) or its successor.”

20 20 How Can My Agency/Department Buy EPEAT Registered Products? Find out how you buy computers Purchase off your Agency BPAs Buy off a Government Wide Acquisition Contract which identifies EPEAT registered products (NASA SEWP IV) Integrate EPEAT into your RFPs or old contracts via technology refreshes Buy from resellers who identify EPEAT registered products

21 21 GSA Advantage

22 22 Where Can I See A List of EPEAT Registered Products? List will be up in June An estimated 50 products should be registered by the end of 2006.

23 23 Contact Information Website – EPA Staff Working on EPEAT –Holly Elwood 202-564-8854 Green Electronics Council Scot Case 610-781-1684

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