Validation supporting the inspire monitoring obligation Ine de Visser, June 3th 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Validation supporting the inspire monitoring obligation Ine de Visser, June 3th 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Validation supporting the inspire monitoring obligation Ine de Visser, June 3th 2016

2 INSPIRE monitoring  As proof of concept we used in the Netherlands in 2015 the EEA financed dashboard conceived by MIWP-16  To generate (part of) the INSPIRE monitoring XML out of the metadata harvested from national discovery service  To visualize the reported monitoring indicators  To visualize up to date monitoring indicators  To report metadata and service validity

3 The dashboard  Make use of the metadata available in the INSPIRE discovery service  Calculate most of the indicators out of the metadata  Metadata conformity information is not provided by the metadata

4 INPUT monitoring INSPIRE discovery service (CSW)

5 INSPIRE dynamic Dashboard JRC metadata validator EEA webform 2 analyse services en dataset links 3 Validatie metadata 4 Genereren rapportage 5 Check en aanvullen ontbrekende gegevens 6 toevoegen rapportage 1 Harvesten INSPIRE CSW ETF service validator 7 validatie services Reporting XML Formeel indienen EIONET Link checker Coverage and use INPUT OUTPUT Reporting XML

6 OUTPUT monitoring INSPIRE siteOfficial dashboard

7  Metadata conformity is not a part of the metadata itself  Metadata conformity is calculated on base of the JRC metadata validation tooling  A threshold is be used, due to lack of the commonly agreed rules

8 Validation used in dashboard  JRC metadata validator used to add metadata conformance indicator This year additional;  Under ELF developed ETF INSPIRE service validator (inclus ATOM) added by the Netherlands to the EEA dashboard to support service conformance

9 Benefits  We have saved at least 20 days per year; less coordination and less work for the data providers  Quality improvement; use of metadata for the monitoring obligation was an impulse to improve existing metadata  A clear, comparable picture of the validity of metadata, accessible to all Dutch inspire stakeholders This year additional;  A clear, comparable picture of the validity and reported conformity of services, accessible to all Dutch inspire stakeholders

10 Metadata Validation


12 Service Validation





17 Results  Observed inconsistency between validation and reported conformity of services in the metadata, 80-20/20-80  Most data providers/managers are not aware of that (service validation is a technical thing)  Discussions about “how much validity” is needed but 80% is not equal to 80%!  Increase of the service quality  Request of managers to provide insight; -> At managers level, an organisation based dashboard


19 Dashboard links Dynamic dashboard : https://inspire- Ask your INSPIRE reporter acces! Every member state can use this! Only thing to do is, to hit the button to start the harvesting and validation !

20 Barchman Wuytierslaan 10, 3818 LH Amersfoort, NL Postbus 508, 3800 AM Amersfoort, NL + 31 (0) 334 604 100

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