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Virginia On-Road Emissions Program Richard Olin – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Chris Smith – Opus Inspection May 19 th, 2015 I/M Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia On-Road Emissions Program Richard Olin – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Chris Smith – Opus Inspection May 19 th, 2015 I/M Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia On-Road Emissions Program Richard Olin – Virginia Department of Environmental Quality Chris Smith – Opus Inspection May 19 th, 2015 I/M Solutions Virginia Beach, Virginia

2 History – On-Road Emissions Program  1996-2005: Initial Remote Sensing Studies, Find:  Fleet Emissions Highly Skewed, High Emitter Beneficial  Up to 35% Clean Screen with 16 RSDs, Large Societal Convenience and Savings  October 2003: VDEQ Report to General Assembly  Remote Sensing is the Only Cost Effective Means of Performing On-Road Testing of Motor Vehicles  Remote Sensing Included in SIP as an I/M Program Supplement  November 2004: Regulation 9 VAC 5 Chapter 91 Adopts High Emitter and Clean Screen Components  2006: VDEQ starts On-going On-Road Emissions Program  High Emitter Enforcement and Very Limited Clean Screen

3 History – On-Road Emissions Program  2006-2012: On-Road Emissions Program, Finds:  High Emitter Enforcement is Effective  Liquid Leak / Evaporative Emissions ID Possible and Beneficial  Clean Screen Enhances Consumer Convenience and Savings  On-Road Emissions Useful to Evaluate OBD I/M Rules and Program Effectiveness  2012: New Legislation Expands On-Road Program to 30% Clean Screen ( 3,000,000 measurements)  2012-2013: State Air Pollution Control Board Amends I/M Regs  Sets On-Road Screening Criteria and QA Parameters  2014: RFP Process Selects Opus Inspection as On-Road Contractor  High Emitter, Clean Screen and Voluntary Liquid Leaker

4 On-Road Emissions Program Goal - Improve Air Check Virginia  On-Road Emissions Program includes Total Screen - net credit gain:  High Emitter Enforcement – credit gain  Gross Liquid Leaker Advisory – credit gain  Low Emitter Exemption (Clean Screen) – small credit loss  Total Screen Program Paid by Clean Screen Fees – no cost to state  Millions of On-Road Emissions Data – support other beneficial apps  Remote Sensing Data Applications that Improve I/M Program:  OBD Performance Evaluation (e.g. OBD Readiness)  I/M Performance Evaluation (e.g. Inspected vs Un-inspected Fleet)  Fraudulent Station Emissions Inspection Detection  Vehicle Emissions Inventory Evaluation and Improvement

5 On-Road Emissions Program Goal – Reduce Emissions and Gain Credit  Small Clean Screen Credit Loss – Random 2% Audit  Random 2% of Clean Screen Candidates are Station-Tested  False Passes Treated as Repairable Emissions Lost  96-99% retention of HC, CO and NOx I/M benefits in Colorado  Estimating High Emitter Credit Gain – Case Management  Mandatory Off-cycle High Emitter Re-inspections Tracked w/ ASM  Initial target ~4,000 high emitters annually  Increase benefits by 10+% for HC, 8% CO, 3% NOx  Estimating Liquid Leaker Credit Gain – Case Management  Mandatory Off-cycle High Emitter Re-inspections Tracked  Emissions Reduced for Remaining Cycle Estimated  Fleet Excess Emissions Gained Estimated  Repairing 5% of Gross Liquid Leakers (>8g/15-min hot soak) can add…….

6 Total Screen  Clean Screen  Are you clean?  High Emitter  Confirmatory Test  Gross Liquid Leaker (Evap)  100% Reduction  Program Evaluation  Non-I/M, Commuters, Out-of-State

7 Reducing Evaporative Emissions On-Road Evap Program Target

8 Detecting Evaporative Emissions Evaporative Emissions: Exhaust + Evaporative HC Non-correlated with exhaust CO 2 Automatic S/W algorithms detect and estimate scale Tailpipe Emissions: Only Tailpipe Exhaust HC Disperses with Tailpipe CO 2

9 DEQ Oversight  Monitoring  SIP Credits  Enforcement  Fraud

10 Remote Sensing Operations  Data Collection – 15 RSD5000  Unattended, Battery-Operated, Remotely Monitored, 5 th Generation RSDs with Smartsigns  200+ Remote Sensing Locations  50% of Testing Locations Advertised for Clean Screen  Clean Screen Emission Testing Option  Advertised on Traditional and Social Media  Identified as Alternate Testing Option on Registration Renewal Notice  Downstream SmartSigns Direct the Very Clean to Website  Notices Issued within 120 of Registration Renewal Due Date  Cloud-Based Data Processing & Management

11 RSD Operations  17 Employees  Data Collection  15 Unattended, Battery Operated, Remotely Monitored 5 th Generation Remote Sensing Devices  200+ Collection Sites  Cloud-Based Data Processing & Management  Communications  Notices

12 Remote Sensing Site


14 Integration with I/M Program  Cloud-Based Data Management System  Exchanges Data with IM-VID and DMV Database  Identifies Candidates, Generates Notices, Audits  Transmits Screening Results to IM-VID  Custom Program Management Software  Provides Web-based Management Tools to VDEQ  Enables High Emitter, Clean Screen, Liquid Leaker Cases to be Tracked  Enables On-Road Emissions Program to be Audited

15 Cloud-Based Data Management

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