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10 10 Innovative and Inexpensive Growth Strategies!

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Presentation on theme: "10 10 Innovative and Inexpensive Growth Strategies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 10 Innovative and Inexpensive Growth Strategies!

2 Two Tried and True Methods NOT Covered: Public Evangelistic Series Personal Bible Studies

3 The MOST IMPORTANT human element to church growth… Is a universal human need! You are uniquely qualified in! Doesn’t cost any money! Is essential for effective results in the methods presented in this seminar!


5 “And when He (Jesus) got into the boat, he who had been demon- possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, ‘Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.’ And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled.” Mark 5:18-20

6 “A door was opened to the gospel throughout that region. When Jesus returned to Decapolis, the people flocked about Him, and for three days, not merely the inhabitants of one town, but thousands from all the surrounding region, heard the message of salvation.” Desire of Ages, 340 see Mark 7:31


8 1. Welcome Ministry

9 What positive and negative impact do already established friendships in the church have on a welcome ministry?

10 2. Reaping Events

11 How can a reaping event re-establish a connection with the church for former members?

12 3. International Sabbath

13 Irving Brazilian- Church Plant

14 What ethnic groups are represented within your congregation? In what ways are they specially equipped to reach their subculture?

15 4. Concurrent Worship Service

16 DFW Muslim Outreach

17 Would a young person be more likely to invite a friend to “youth church” than a regular church service? Why or why not?

18 5. Special Youth Programs

19 Northside Adventist Fellowship- San Antonio, Blessing Prayer

20 Free music lessons to youth- Bandoria

21 How can a large church identify parents who are not members in order to build a relationship with them?

22 6. Felt-Need Seminars

23 Pick an unchurched person you know. What special subject would interest them if your church offered it?

24 7. Big Deal Baptisms

25 Why are newly baptized people among our best missionaries?

26 Austin Pan-American

27 8. Church Night

28 What are the basic differences between prayer meeting and church night? Do those differences add or subtract from the churches ability to reach new people? Why?

29 9. Life Event Ministry

30 Funerals

31 How does celebrating or mourning with a family connect them with the church?

32 10. Sports/Hobbies

33 How would you transition from a relationship centered around sports/hobbies to a spiritual one?

34 Welcome Ministry Reaping Events International Sabbaths Concurrent Service Youth Programs Felt-Needs Seminars Big Deal Baptisms Church Night Life Event Ministry Sports/Hobbies Which one will you try?

35 3 Keys to Success: Promote! Plan ahead! Prepare the soil through building friendships!


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