Introduction to Statistics Estonia Study visit of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine on Dissemination of Statistical Information and related themes.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Statistics Estonia Study visit of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine on Dissemination of Statistical Information and related themes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Statistics Estonia Study visit of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine on Dissemination of Statistical Information and related themes to Statistics Finland Tallinn, 23.09.2015 Tuulikki Sillajõe Deputy Director General

2 Historic background of SE on 1 March 1921, the State Statistical Central Bureau of the Republic of Estonia was established 1940–1992 Soviet period 1993, extensive reorganisation took place, in the course of which a new structure was built up and the main functions of the agency were brought into accordance with the needs of the independent state and international requirements since 2004, a part of the EU statistical system Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

3 General information about SE a government agency operating in the area of the Minister of Finance (MF) ca 200 statistical actions per year, of which of more than 90% are guided by the EU legal acts ca 400 employees, incl. ca 100 interviewers More info in annual reportannual report Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

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5 23.09.2015 Presentation for Ukranian delegation

6 Statistical actions Official statistical programme means a list of demographic, social, economic and environmental statistical actions compiled each year for the following five years, which proceeds from national and international needs for statistics Statistical action is, for example, a survey, a census, a statistical publication and a statistical register The programme includes for each action: title; legal basis; statistical indicators; periodicity; reference period or moment; estimated cost; information on amendments planned to methodology Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

7 Official statistics Act 1922 Statutes of Central Bureau for Statistics 1938 Act on Central Bureau for Statistics 1990 Statistics Act 1997 Official Statistics Act 2010 Official Statistics Act Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

8 General framework documentation Fundamental principles of official statistics (In 1992, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) adopted the fundamental principles of official statistics in the UNECE region. The United Nations Statistical Commission adopted these principles in 1994 at the global level) Fundamental principles of official statistics European statistics code of practice (Adopted by the European Statistical System Committee 24.02.2005) European statistics code of practice Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) Regulation (EC) N0 223/2009 on European statistics Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

9 Producers of official statistics 1.Statistics Estonia 2.Bank of Estonia In order to obtain and publish monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics, necessary for performance of its functions, taking account of the competence of the European Central Bank and of the European System of Central Banks, the Bank of Estonia shall collect data on the basis and pursuant to the procedure provided by the Official Statistics Act. (Bank of Estonia Act, §34(1)) Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

10 GSBPM based structure since 01.03.2015 Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

11 GSBPM: Responsibilities 23.09.2015 Marketing and Dissemination Department Statistics Departments Data Warehouse Department Data Processing and Registers Department (Collecting function) Data Processing and Registers Department (Processing function) General Department Metadata Department 5.2Classify & code 5.3Review, validate & edit 5.5Derive new variables & statistical units 5.4Impute 5.6Calculate weights 5.7Calculate aggregates 5.8 Finalize data files 5.1Integrate data 1. Specify Needs 2. Design3. Build4. Collect5.Process6. Analyse 7. Disse- minate 3.1 Build data collection instrument 3.2Build or enhance process components 3.4Test production system 3.3Configure workflows 3.5Test statistical business process 3.6Finalize production system 6.1Prepare draft outputs 7.1Update output systems 6.2Validate outputs 7.2Produce dissemination products 6.4 Apply disclosure control 7.4Promote dissemination products 6.3Scrutinize & explain 7.3Manage release of dissemination products.. 8.1.Gather evaluation inputs 8.2.Conduct evaluation 8.3.Agree action plan 6.5Finalize outputs 7.5Manage user support 1.2Consult & confirm needs 1.4Identify concepts 1.3Establish output objectives 1.5Check data availability 2.1Design outputs 2.2Design variable descriptions 2.4Design frame & sample methodology 2.3Design data collection methodology 2.5Design statiatical processing methodology 2.6Design production systems & workflow 4.1 Select sample 4.2Set up collection 4.4Finalize collection 4.3Run collection 1.6Prepare business case 8. Evaluate Quality Management / Metadata Management 1.1Determine needs for information Presentation for Ukranian delegation

12 Mission The main task of Statistics Estonia is to provide reliable and objective information about Estonia Vision Official statistics are the primary source of reliable information Slogan Informed decisions! Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

13 Strategy based on balanced scorecard 23.09.2015 Presentation for Ukranian delegation

14 Some specificities of SE GSPBM based organisational structure GSBPM based processes GSBPM based job descriptions Activity based costing Dissemination function responsible for programme and operative planning Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

15 Hot topics Implementation of.Stat New innovative products and services, use of big data More marketing Implementation of LEAN-management ‒ an approach to continuous improvement 1.Defining value from the standpoint of the end customer. 2.Identifying each step in a business process and eliminating those steps that do not create value. 3.Making the value-creating steps occur in tight sequence. 4.Repeating the first three steps on a continuous basis until all waste has been eliminated. Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

16 Thank you for your attention! Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

17 Presentation for Ukranian delegation 23.09.2015

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