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Created by BM|DESIGN|ER VC - model 1 inside CERN hosted by foundation hosted by company VC hosted by a HPC center.

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Presentation on theme: "Created by BM|DESIGN|ER VC - model 1 inside CERN hosted by foundation hosted by company VC hosted by a HPC center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER VC - model 1 inside CERN hosted by foundation hosted by company VC hosted by a HPC center

2 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS BOINC developers community CERN IT Department Research Foundations. ICT companies VALUE PROPOSITION Virtualization support BOINC based software Decrease costs for increasing and maintaining infrastructure. Huge amount of Idle CPU and huge interest to use it. Consultancy and Support CERN expertise and experience CUSTOMERS ICT Companies. CERN projects CERN and other research institutes and universities. KEY ACTIVITIES IT Management Acquire student fellows to develop maintain the software. RELATIONSHIPS Personal assistance : OpenLab partners Automated services KEY RESOURCES Volunteers CERN Environment Benefit Cern OpenLab model Green Computing interest European Cloud Initiative DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS gridrepublic wcg COST STRUCTURE externalize costs attract sustainable financing from ITC companies Attract financing in CERN REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING licencing fees

3 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS BOINC developers community CERN IT Department Research Foundations. ICT companies VALUE PROPOSITION Virtualization support BOINC based software Decrease costs for increasing and maintaining infrastructure. Huge amount of Idle CPU and huge interest to use it. CERN expertise and experience CUSTOMERS ICT Companies. CERN projects CERN and other research institutes and universities. KEY ACTIVITIES IT Management Acquire student fellows to develop maintain the software. RELATIONSHIPS Personal assistance : OpenLab partners Automated services KEY RESOURCES Volunteers CERN Environment Benefit Cern OpenLab model Green Computing interest European Cloud Initiative DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS gridrepublic wcg COST STRUCTURE Attract financing in CERN REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING licencing fees

4 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS BOINC developers community Research Foundations. VALUE PROPOSITION Virtualization support BOINC based software Decrease costs for increasing and maintaining infrastructure. Huge amount of Idle CPU and huge interest to use it. CERN expertise and experience CUSTOMERS ICT Companies. CERN and other research institutes and universities. KEY ACTIVITIES IT Management Acquire student fellows to develop maintain the software. RELATIONSHIPS Personal assistance : OpenLab partners Automated services KEY RESOURCES Volunteers Green Computing interest European Cloud Initiative DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS gridrepublic wcg COST STRUCTURE externalize costs REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING licencing fees

5 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS BOINC developers community VALUE PROPOSITION Virtualization support BOINC based software Decrease costs for increasing and maintaining infrastructure. Huge amount of Idle CPU and huge interest to use it. Consultancy and Support CERN expertise and experience CUSTOMERS ICT Companies. CERN and other research institutes and universities. KEY ACTIVITIESRELATIONSHIPS Personal assistance : OpenLab partners Automated services KEY RESOURCES Volunteers CERN Environment Benefit Green Computing interest European Cloud Initiative DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS gridrepublic wcg COST STRUCTURE externalize costs REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING licencing fees

6 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS BOINC developers community Research Foundations. ICT companies VALUE PROPOSITION Decrease costs for increasing and maintaining infrastructure. CERN expertise and experience CUSTOMERS CERN and other research institutes and universities. KEY ACTIVITIESRELATIONSHIPS Personal assistance : OpenLab partners Automated services KEY RESOURCES Green Computing interest European Cloud Initiative DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS gridrepublic wcg COST STRUCTURE externalize costs REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING licencing fees

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