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Yearbook Terminology. Ladder page by page plan of the book.

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Presentation on theme: "Yearbook Terminology. Ladder page by page plan of the book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yearbook Terminology

2 Ladder page by page plan of the book.

3 Parts of a book Signature 16 page sections of a book that are sewn together. Starting as a large sheet of paper that is folded and trimmed, hardcover books are printed in signatures prior to folding and trimming.

4 We will have a total of 10 signatures in the 2012 book. This is a total of __________ pages?

5 Parts of a book Flat Half of a signature, 8 pages total that can be added to the end of the book. A flat is the smallest amount of pages that can be bound in a hardcover book.

6 The backbone of a book sometimes referred to as a back strip. Parts of a book Spine The portion of the cover where the signatures are glued together.

7 End Sheet Heavy weight paper that joins the book to the cover. All bound books have 2, a front end sheet and a back end sheet.

8 Point A point is a vertical measurement of type that is.0138”, or approximately 1/72 of an inch. Points are used to specify the size of a font or typeface. (12 point Times Roman, 24 point Helvetica, 36 point Comic Sans etc.) Type Terms A a

9 Copy Refers to text or writing in the book. Categories of copy include: Headlines Body Copy Copy Categories Captions Folios

10 Headlines eye catching introductions or titles Copy Categories

11 Headline Font Characteristics they are usually bolded and are at least 40 points high.

12 Body Copy Body copy explains events giving the reader a sense of who, what, why, when and where and how. a summary or the story behind your assigned page(s) Copy Categories

13 Body Copy Dependent upon the chosen font, body copy is generally 10 to 12 points high.

14 Captions Captions – copy that explains pictures. Copy Categories

15 Caption copy starts with a bolded capitalized LEAD-IN or KICKER that acts as a mini headline. Our lead-ins will be as shown to the left. All caps in outlined text followed by a period, question mark, or explanation mark. The lead-in is followed by: Detailed Writing that identifies people and explains what is going on in the picture. They are a minimum of 2 sentences. The first sentence is present tense, the second sentence is past tense. Copy Categories

16 Caption Copy Dependent upon the chosen font, caption copy is generally 8 to 10 points high.

17 To obtain accurate Body or Caption Copy it is required that you: Interview coaches, advisers, and or key members of the team/group and attend several meets or meetings with a camera!

18 Sometimes you need to change the leading to make the text fit. Change the leading before the font size! Leading Leading is the distance between lines of type measured in points.

19 Folio An optional “footer” placed with page numbers in the bottom corner of a page. Copy Categories

20 Printers terminology Pica a printers measurement 1/6 of an inch the size of a grid on a layout page the standard distance between columns, photos, and or text.

21 Printers terminology Pica

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