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Opener #1 Week of. 1. The United States’ team won many Olympic medals. 2. the car of Wilfredo 3. Little kids discover lots of bugs under rocks. 4. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Opener #1 Week of. 1. The United States’ team won many Olympic medals. 2. the car of Wilfredo 3. Little kids discover lots of bugs under rocks. 4. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opener #1 Week of

2 1. The United States’ team won many Olympic medals. 2. the car of Wilfredo 3. Little kids discover lots of bugs under rocks. 4. The seventh graders (brang, brought) the required materials to class. 5. While listening to Barbara Walters

3 Root: ped, pod Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sentence: (underline the root) Affix: (prefix) pre- Definition: Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sentence: (underline the affix)

4 6. (Was/Were) you in the Smithsonian very long? -subject: you verb: were 7. Do not ask her about the permission slip again. -Imperative 8. Reading gave Lincoln and Davis access to inspiring ideas. -Reading-gerund 9. General Eisenhower gave orders to pass the ammunition (between/among) the troops. -among 10. past perfect tense of hope -had hoped

5 Sentence Diagramming Subjects and Predicates SubjectVerb Diagram each of the following sentences. 1.Grass grows. 2.Dogs play. 3.Michael ate. 4.Sit! Fish swim. FishSwim Grassgrows 1. Dogsplay 2. Michae l ate 3. Yousit 4.

6 Prompt: What changes will you make to be successful in your final year of middle school? How have you changed since entering middle school? Write one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences) answering the following prompt.

7 11. Just between you and (me, I), we need exercise to stay healthy. -me 12. Joe, himself, is very talented. -intensive 13. (Who’s, Whose) was the winning entry? -whose 14. Several Symbols have become important parts of the Olympic games. Popular symbols are the Olympic rings, the flags, the flame, and medals. -Several symbols, the Olympic rings, the flags, the flame, and the medals, have become an important part of the Olympic games. 15. Circumnavigate -Prefix: circum Suffix: gate Root: navi

8 Root: spec Definition: see, look Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) 1. inspect (v) 2. respect (v) 3. spectacle (n) 4. spectacles (n) 5. speculate (v) Sentence: (underline the root) Wearing his spectacles, he was able to inspect the item closer. Affix: (prefix) mono- Definition: one Words with Part of Speech: (minimum of 5) 1. monocle (n) 2. monolingual (adj) 3. monorail (n) 4. monosyllabic (adj) 5. monotone (n) Sentence: (underline the affix) The man on the monorail was wearing a monocle.

9 16. The game will begin in two minutes -Declarative (period) 17. Kelsey is a delightful person to be around. -predicate noun 18. We walked around the zoo, stopping at the gorilla house twice. -around the zoo; at the gorilla house 19. my twenty page book report certainly impressed my teacher -My twenty-page book report certainly impressed my teacher. 20. We listened to the songs and picked our top ten favorites. -simple

10 Sentence Diagramming More than one subject and/or verb Verb Diagram each of the following sentences. 1.Jeff laughed and chuckled. 2.Cats and kittens purr. 3.John and Marie sing and dance. Subjec t Conj Verb Subjec t Conj Verb OR raced I John and John and I raced. 1. laughed Jeff and chuckled purr kittens Cats and 2. 3. Marie John and sing and dance

11 1.Name the past perfect tense of hope -had hoped 2.What does the prefix mono- mean? -one 3. Diagram the following sentence Sarah whined and complained. 4.Team is what type of noun? -collective 5.What is the possessive form of the car of Wilfredo? -Wilfredo’s car Opener Quiz #1 (H) whined Sarah and complained

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