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Bill Valocchi, AICP Brownfields 2004 Division of PlanningSeptember 20-22, 2004 Saint Louis, Missouri.

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2 Bill Valocchi, AICP Brownfields 2004 Division of PlanningSeptember 20-22, 2004 Saint Louis, Missouri.

3 The Urban Experience New Growth Models and Brownfield Sites Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

4 Study Objectives Merge sustainable design and smart growth principles into guidelines for redeveloping urban, brownfields sites Evaluate,investigate regulatory/institutional barriers that may hinder innovative, environmentally friendly solutions to urban development problems Apply sustainable design and smart growth principles to three environmentally sensitive sites in downtown Trenton – create design guidelines Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

5 Objective 1 Merge sustainable design and smart growth principles into guidelines for redeveloping urban, brownfields sites “Research and Document Smart Growth Principles and Sustainability Principles” Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

6 Smart Growth Principles Range of housing Walkable neighborhoods Preserve and create open space Variety of transportation choices Mixed land uses Direct development toward existing communities Compact building design Create/foster a sense of place Community/Stakeholder Collaboration Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

7 Framing a Definition of Sustainability According to the Sustainable Sonoma Project: “Sustainability secures people’s quality of life within the means of nature in a way that is fair and equitable to all humanity, other species and to future generations. Sustainability recognizes the inter-relatedness of the economy, society, and the environment. It requires that we not consume resources faster than they can be renewed nor produce waste faster than it can be absorbed” Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

8 “Applied Sustainability” Microclimates and Building Massing –Comfort & Microclimates –Response to Wind –Response to Sun –Pollution: Air Quality & Noise Recycling Integrated Building Systems Innovative Stormwater Systems Flood Plain Design Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

9 Microclimates & Building Massing Energy consumption associated with heating, cooling and ventilation can be reduced by the creation of a tempered microclimate that shelters the buildings from extremes. Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

10 Response to Sun Orient buildings to the south Site taller buildings to minimize shadows on open space and other buildings Orient open space to maximize winter solar exposure Provide tree canopy cover and reduce hardscape for areas with high summer solar exposure Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

11 Innovative Storm Management: Bioswales and Rain Gardens Rain gardens can be developed in lawn areas, median strips and parking lot islands. Typically, these areas are about 1500 square feet in size and can filter water from both pervious and impervious areas Sustainability = Quality and Quantity Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

12 Objective II Evaluate, investigate regulatory barriers and issues that may hinder innovative, environmentally friendly solutions to urban development problems Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

13 Linking Regulatory Issues to Study Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

14 Overview of Regulatory Issues Team building should include competent designers and engineers who are familiar with the process and thinking behind environmental regulation. Complex sites will require a close working relationship between all parties to maneuver through the regulatory process in new ways. Schedule investigative meetings with regulatory officials early in the design process. Consider regulators as part of the overall design process. Have a “pre-application” meeting with regulatory agencies. Education the development community/on innovative design concepts - PUBLIC EDUCATION. Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

15 Objective III Apply sustainable design and smart growth principles to three environmentally sensitive sites in downtown Trenton – create design guidelines “Building our Model” Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

16 Existing Conditions - Parcel A Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

17 Parcel A - Incorporating Smart Growth & Sustainability Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

18 Next Steps Create User Friendly Guidelines Create Smart Growth Rating System Evaluate Zoning, Local Redevelopment Ordinances Workshops with Developers/Community Groups? Local Stormwater Management Plans - mandated by Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act Brownfields 2004 St Louis, Missouri

19 Share Information Bill Valocchi Trenton Webpage: Bill Valocchi AICP Brownfields 2004 City of Trenton St Louis, Missouri

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