Carefree, easy-going 无忧无虑、随和型 easy-going: 随和的,平易近人的.

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3 Carefree, easy-going 无忧无虑、随和型 easy-going: 随和的,平易近人的

4 Independent determined 独立、意志坚定型

5 active, energetic, outgoing 活泼外向型 active: 主动的, 积极的 e.g. Jack often takes an active part in social life. energetic : 精力充沛的 outgoing: 外向的,开朗的

6 generous, nice, honest 慷慨诚实型 generous: willing to give money, spend time to help people ( 慷慨的,大方的) e.g. It is very generous of you to lend us your car.

7 devoted, reliable, hard-working 敬业可靠型 devoted:showing great love for sb or sth ( 热爱的,全心全意的) e.g. They are devoted to their children. 他们深爱着自己的孩子. Reliable: 可靠的

8 friendly, calm 友好冷静型 calm: 冷静的,平静的

9 determined wise active generous easy-going reliable selfless( 无私的 ) devoted lazy cruel mean unkind selfish( 自私的 ) stubborn

10 What qualities make a great person?

11 A great person hard-working intelligent determined confident selfless helpful Get on well with others Never lose heart Be active in society activities

12 Guessing Game

13 Who is he? Choose one of the six letters and make a guess or describe the person. A B C D E F

14 He is the best basketball player in our country. He enters the NBA in America. Yao Ming

15 Sun Yat-sen He strongly believed in the three principles: Nationalism; People’s rights; People’s livelihood. He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years’ fighting.

16 Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925) 孙中山 1) found (founded, founded) vt. 创立,建立 The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949.

17 Norman Bethune ( 1890-1939) He fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II. He worked in China as ( 作为 ) a doctor and saved( 救 )many Chinese soldiers.

18 Mohandas Gandhi He gave up a rich life for his ideas. He fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way

19 Gandhi(1869 -1948), India 甘地 He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. in a peaceful way 以和平的方式

20 He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same right as white people. Nelson Mandela 为 … 而战, 而 奋斗

21 He was the first man to walk on the moon. He said, that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. N e i l A m s t r o n g ( 1 9 3 0 - ) U S A


23 Who is the song praised for? ? Think

24 钟声响起归家的讯号, 在他生命里仿佛带点 唏嘘 黑色剪给他的意义, 是一生 奉献中 年月把拥有变做失去, 疲倦的双眼带着期望 今天只有残留的驱壳, 迎接光辉岁月 风雨中抱紧自由, 一生经过傍徨的挣扎 自信可改变未来, 问谁又能做到

25 In south Africa Out of work Live in the poor area

26 Fight for Freedom and Rights

27 Background Born : July 18, 1918 Place of birth: A village in south Africa

28 Background In 1944 – He joined African National Congress.( 非国大 ) In 1964 – He was put into prison and stayed there for 27 years. 1993 – He received Nobel Peace Prize In 1994 – He became the president of South Africa June 16 – He set up the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund


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