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Potentially good applicants will be rejected during selection. It’s not always fair!

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2 Potentially good applicants will be rejected during selection. It’s not always fair!

3  Find out what employers and admissions tutors want from candidates – in as much detail as you can – websites, open days – ask questions, vacancy information etc  Be aware the information is usually there but you sometimes have to persevere to find it - look everywhere online.  Don’t assume that two different opportunity providers want exactly the same from candidates for the same kind of opportunity  Include what they want in your Personal Statement or Letter of Application with evidence.

4  I want to study photography because it’s something I’ve always been interested in from an early age. It think that studying photography, will help me in my future career because it will give me skills that will benefit me. I am good at photography and will do A Level photography next year because I will carry on with it. The trip to Paris was brilliant because I learnt a lot. I am looking forward to studying photography all the time at university and then being a photographer as a job afterwards because I really like it.

5 I want to study chemistry because it’s something I’ve always been interested in from an early age. It think that studying chemistry, will help me in my future career because it will give me skills that will benefit me. I am good at chemistry and will do A Level chemistry next year because I will carry on with it. The trip to a local university was brilliant because I learnt a lot. I am looking forward to studying chemistry all the time at university and then being a chemist in industry as a job afterwards because I really like it.

6 Doesn’t really say very much! Be aware if you can change the name of the course and it still makes sense you need to be more specific and give more examples!

7 Since winning a camera in a raffle at school I have loved being behind the lens. Experimenting with early snapshots mainly taught me about patience and timing as they were often of family, friends and pets but I was motivated by the idea of truly capturing the atmosphere of a moment in time. Studying photography in college has given me the technical knowledge to take try out new techniques and experiment, taking new subjects. I particularly enjoyed the challenge of photographing buildings and landmarks that have been photographed thousands of times in a new and creative way on our trip to Paris. I love being out of doors, having completed Duke of Edinburgh bronze at school and now completing silver at college. Taking my camera on trips has helped me to develop my skills in photographing the natural world around me, be it flora, fauna or rock formations. Inspired by the work of David Hockney in his exhibition ‘25 trees and other pictures’, I am currently working on photographing the same subject at different times of day and year, a waterfall in a beauty spot near where I live. I was delighted when one of these photographs was selected to be published in the local newspaper. The opportunity to study photography at university will allow me to continue to develop my work and I don’t yet know how my career will develop but I hope that one day it will allow me to pursue my dream of photographing the northern lights. More Personal! More specific information! More personal interests related to the course NB actual photographers may include more technical examples.

8 ‘I can organise my time effectively and I am reliable.’ Vs ‘Studying A levels and having a part time job requires me to be organised and manage my time well. I have never missed a deadline, I have 100 % attendance at college and I have never missed a day at work.’ ( but don’t lie!)

9 ‘I have good communication skills with a variety of people’ Vs ‘I did some voluntary work in a charity shop, helping to reorganise the displays. Through this I met a variety of people both colleagues and customers and learnt to talk to them effectively to get their feedback on my displays.

10 ‘Through studying English Literature I have read a range of texts.’ Vs ‘Studying English literature has encouraged me to broaden my reading of plays, novels and poetry from a range of authors from classics eg Shakespeare through to modern fiction eg Khaled Hosseini.

11 ‘I have always wanted to be a midwife.’ Vs ‘In my enthusiasm for midwifery, I have taken every opportunity open to me to find out more about the role and the experience of childbirth. This has included talking to family and family friends about their recent experiences of pregnancy and childbirth, reading as much information as I can from the NHS and NCT about what is involved and watching documentaries on TV. I have also arranged to go to a local Sure Start Centre to talk to new parents about their experiences. From all this I have learnt that to be a good midwife…..’

12  Find out what skills and qualities you may need to include from potential employers & current vacancies…  If you are really stuck look at what is typically needed in a job role by looking at the job profiles on the national careers service website… jobprofiles/Pages/privatepracticeaccountant.aspx BUT I plan to apply for an apprenticeship and I don’t know where yet. How can I do a tailored letter of application?

13  Show enthusiasm  Give specific examples  Be as original as you can  Check your vocabulary and spelling

14 …. I have constantly been entranced in investigating the human body and delving into biology was significant. Eh?

15 Companies and universities do check against what is on the internet and anti- plagiarism software is applied to applications for university and jobs. Don’t get disqualified at the first hurdle because you copied (even just a bit)! If you cannot resist googling, consider if the source of any advice is reliable, knowledgeable and current – better to look at the guidance from employers or universities themselves than blogs and forums that could be written by anyone.

16 Leave it until the last minute! If it’s not yet complete, work on your letter of application/personal statement in your own time over the summer. The careers advisers will be in college at some times of the summer holidays so if you need help, just ring college and ask to talk to careers. NB they have more availability in July than August so get in touch early if you need help.

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