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An introduction to the science of behavior and mental process MR. B’S PSYCHOLOGY CLASS.

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Presentation on theme: "An introduction to the science of behavior and mental process MR. B’S PSYCHOLOGY CLASS."— Presentation transcript:

1 An introduction to the science of behavior and mental process MR. B’S PSYCHOLOGY CLASS

2  Graduated Wis. Dells HS ’95  Lots of sports & activities  First jobs: golf course, Orig. WI Ducks, Go Kart attendant  Graduated Lawrence University in Appleton, WI  Wrestled, tour guide, Phi Delta Theta fraternity  Graduated BS in Psychology  Tried math first but …..  Student taught at Appleton East HS  Also coached at Kimberly HS  Taught at WDHS  Taught Driver’s Ed. and then Math (2 years)  Hired at LUHS in 2003  Been teaching here ever since  Any questions? HOW DID I END UP HERE?

3  Psychology and Its Methods  A study of the history of psychology  Research methods used in psychology  important themes in psychology  Developmental Psychology  Early childhood development (infant & child)  Adolescence (preteen & teen)  Adulthood & aging (post college to death)  Biopsychological  Neuroscience (neural communication, the brain, hormones)  Sensation & Perception  Motivation & Emotion 5 MAJOR STANDARDS IN THIS CLASS

4  Cognitive Psychology  Learning (classical, operant, & Observational)  Memory  Consciousness (Sleep, dreams, hypnosis, & drugs)  Clinical & Sociocultural  Personality  Psychological Disorders  Therapies  Social Psychology 5 MAJOR STANDARDS IN THIS CLASS

5  Write a brief description of why you took this class.  Needed SS credit, heard the class was fun, nothing else fit my schedule, future career plans  What do you hope to learn? (pick one from each)  Research Methods (history, RM, & themes)  Developmental (child, adolescence, adult)  Biopsychosocial (neurons, brain, senses, motivation & emotion)  Cognitive (learning, memory, & consciousness)  Clinical & Social (psych. disorders, treatments, social)  How can Psychology help you in what you want to do?  What are your best skills as a student? Skills that need the most work? HOW DID YOU END UP HERE?

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