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Strategic communication to create a change of culture.

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1 Strategic communication to create a change of culture








9  When leaders focus on what they want for people, they often get what they want from people.

10 Our practice has changed dramatically over the past decade. As Public Defense Lawyers we can take the lead of changing the culture of criminal defense. We need to lead by example and when we advocate both in court and in public we can change the narrative of what it means to provide zealous representation from “protecting one’s constitutional rights” or “holding the Gov’t to it’s burden” to fighting to have every person treated with the same level of dignity, humanity and respect.

11 We will represent the whole client, not just their limited interaction with the criminal justice systems. Being client centered is a skill set, that requires us to effectively understand our clients. Failing to effectively profile them restricts our ability to provide viable and worthwhile solutions.

12 We will engage the community in new and important ways, to build trust and create the much-needed base of support amongst the many Philadelphians that benefit from our work. We will harness the dormant political power we have in the neighborhoods of the city, forming partnerships with the communities we serve.



15  Reduce Recidivism and Increase Public Safety We will partner with communities and other justice stakeholders to improve justice systems and propose solutions to overarching problems. The holistic model representation benefits the city as it reduces recidivism and improves public safety.

16 Community-Oriented Justice Solutions A new initiative I plan to undertake is piloting office locations within neighborhoods. Provide access to information about basic rights, legal problems, and specific social services available within that district to address needs. Streamlining the flow of information and assistance will provide a vital benefit to communities that suffer from gaps in services.




20 Vulnerability is the most accurate measurement of courage Brene’ Brown

21 Birthplace of…. Innovation Creativity and Change Make or Do Something you never done before = V

22 22

23 “I Assume That I Will Automatically Grow” 23

24 “I Don’t Know How to Grow” 24

25 Typically being in phases: 1. You don’t know what you don’t know 2. You know what you need to know…recognizing the gaps 3. You know what you don’t know… 4. You know and grow…and it begins to show… 5. You simply act because of what you know John Maxwell: 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

26 “It’s Not the Right Time to Begin” 26

27 “ I’m Afraid of Making Mistakes” 27

28 “I Thought It Would Be Easier Than This” 28

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31 What you do proves…. What you believe… 31

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35 A clear set of objectives Ongoing training in:  Communication  Leadership  Team skills

36 Solution is more than the absence of the problem Vision of a way forward Proactive Purposeful Intentional 36

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39  Change Happens  Anticipate Change  Monitor Change  Adapt To Change Quickly  Enjoy Change  Be Ready To Change Quickly Enjoy It Again and Again 39

40  Interpret changes that impact your office  Do not assume that everyone will stay on board without continual communication  Engage stakeholders  Remove obstacles & effectively resolve breakdowns 40

41  React – automatic response  Moment of choice – PAUSE  Choose to act v. react  Proactive – conscious  Purposeful response 41

42  Less reactivity  Enhance self awareness  Notice automatic thoughts and beliefs  Enhance focus, awareness and clarity  Sense of calm, presence  Deliberate and purposeful action  Seeing from the whole  Acceptance of what is outside our control 42

43  How do we make sense of change?  What type of relationship do you want to have with change?  How can you help others adapt to change? 43

44 Easy to identify Often lend themselves to quick and easy (cut-and- dried) solutions Change mind and hearts; values driven Require change in just one or a few places; contained with organizational boundaries Solutions can often be implemented quickly People are generally receptive to technical solutions Often can be solved by an authority or expert The people with the problem are engaged in the solution 44

45 Not obvious Require changes in values, beliefs, roles relationships, and approaches to work People with the problem do the Difficult work of solving it Require change in numerous places; usually cross organizational boundaries People often resist even acknowledging adaptive challenges. “ Solutions” require experiments and new discoveries; they can take a long time to implement and cannot be implemented by policy 45

46 Working with the jail to ensure your staff have unfettered access to your detained clients 46

47 Getting staff to appreciate the importance of visiting / communicating with clients 47

48 Setting a policy prohibiting talking badly about clients 48

49 49 OPD STRATEGIC PLAN: GOAL Build and support diverse teams that reflect all segments of society. Strategy a.Create an inclusive work environment that fosters creativity and innovation, while promoting collegial engagement through awareness and leadership training. Owner: Lori James-Townes and Diversity Committee Measurement: OPD workforce reflects the diversity of our community. Collaborations leverage diversity and empower all employees. b. Communications – Ensure that diversity and inclusion initiatives, actions and results are transparent to employees and stakeholders. Owner: Lori James-Townes


51 1. Formulate a personal plan for growth. 2. Apply your growth strategy to those you lead as well. 3. Create a culture of growth…when you grow they will grow.


53 53 It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming….so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt

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