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FY 16 SORH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Keith Midberry, SORH Program Coordinator Kimberly Dews, Grants Management Specialist Department of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 16 SORH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Keith Midberry, SORH Program Coordinator Kimberly Dews, Grants Management Specialist Department of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 16 SORH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Keith Midberry, SORH Program Coordinator Kimberly Dews, Grants Management Specialist Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Federal Office of Rural Health Policy November 23, 2015

2 Webinar Agenda Background Project Narrative Methodology Section / Core area 3 (TA) Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity (PIMS) Budget Staffing Indirect Costs Attachments Technical Assistance Questions

3 Background FY 16 is 26 th year of SORH Grant! Competing Continuation FOA released Nov. 9th. opportunity.html?oppId=280030 opportunity.html?oppId=280030 Application due in by Friday - Jan. 15, 2016. Please submit before deadline and double check / print out page count - 80 page limit! Five year project period. Request minimum $150,000, up to $172,000.

4 Project Narrative Project Narrative format unchanged, multiple sections. All sections must be in a narrative format except Work Plan (matrix or spreadsheet / landscape orientation). Methodology and Work Plan objectives & activities must be identically numbered and in alignment with each other. Work Plan is the framework for the Methodology section - they complement each other. Methodology section provides the detail behind about concise objectives and activities. Both sections pertain only to activities funded by Federal and state matching funds. Do not list PCO activities! Optional to summarize in Methodology section (only) any activities administered within SORH framework with leveraged funding from other sources (i.e. foundation, grant).

5 Project Narrative (cont.) Focus on three core objectives: - Dissemination of information - Coordination of activities - Providing technical assistance Discuss how SORH will promote RHIhub (new name for RAC!) and Rural Health Research Gateway Recruiting and Retention still part of core area 2. SORHs with significant R&R efforts beyond supporting of multi-state R&R system (i.e. 3RNet) may discuss R&R as additional / separate area.. Required and optional activities for each core area – list in Work Plan, discuss in Methodology section.

6 Core Area 3 – Technical Assistance Required activity – “Provide TA to public and nonprofit private entities pertaining to participation in federal, state and non-governmental rural health programs, grants, loans and other funding sources.” In Methodology section - discuss the various types of direct TA SORH intends to provide as well as types of clients TA likely to be provided to. Not duplicative of PIMS reporting but may use prior reports as guide in projecting future efforts. More detailed info on PIMS submission required under Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity section.

7 Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity Describe the strategies and measures that will be used to evaluate performance during the project period. Describe the data collection strategy that will be implemented to collect, analyze, and track data to measure performance and determine impact or outcomes Describe the SORH’s most recent (FY 14) Performance Management Information System (PIMS) submission pertaining to the total number of Technical Assistance (TA) encounters and total number of Unduplicated Clients (UCs) that received direct TA during the reporting period. Discuss any significant changes (if applicable) in the number of TA encounters and UCs (as well as types of TA and UC).

8 Budget Budget instructions in Section 4.1.v. of HRSA’s SF-424 Application Guide - Ensure Budget (SF-424A) and Budget Justification Narrative differentiates Federal vs matching funds (two columns). Travel estimates must be itemized in budget justification narrative – airfare / lodging, per diem / misc. (parking, registration etc., local mileage / cost per mile). Contracts must include basis for cost estimate and proposed deliverables. Budget for 3 required meetings: Regional Partnership (sites TBD), NOSORH (Boston, MA / Sept. 6-8, 2016) & NRHA (New Orleans / Spring 2017). May also use travel for NRHA PI and other meetings.

9 Indirect Costs States may charge indirect costs up to maximum amount allowed by current approved HHS indirect cost agreement or plan. Indirect charge is usually a percent of salary & fringe. States not required to charge indirect costs Some SORHs (both university and health department models) waive or reduce indirect costs so more grant funds can be used for rural health programs. Waived or reduced indirect amount may be used towards meeting non-federal / state match.

10 Staffing Staffing plan (attachment) must include position descriptions, amount FTE and resumes/bios for all key SORH Staff (not just new since last application). Key personnel are those funded by grant. Identify SORH Director to be dedicated face of program - no minimum FTE but higher versus multiples preferred. SORH funds can only be used for positions directly related to completion of objectives and activities. Grantees expected to have organizational capacity to provide administrative and financial support.

11 Attachments Future Work Plan (numbered to align Methodology) Staffing Plan and Position Descriptions, Biographical sketches or bios key personnel. Letters of Agreement and/or description proposed or existing contracts if applicable. Organizational chart that includes SORH. Multi-year budget – see Section 4.1.iv of SF-424A Application Guide. Fifth year budget (SF-424A only) Accomplishment Summary – Narrative that describes current FY 15 progress to date (by objective). Also discuss any FY 14 UOB carryover and how will be used.

12 Technical Assistance Contacts NOSORH - Teryl & Kassie Other SORHs! Program Coordinator - (301) 443-2669 / Your FORHP Project Officer SORH Grants Management Specialists - Kimberly Dews / (301) 443-0655 - Potie Pettway / (301) - James Padgett / (301) Questions? HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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