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Anne Lise Mathieu Project coordinator Organizing explainers teams Universcience example.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Lise Mathieu Project coordinator Organizing explainers teams Universcience example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Lise Mathieu Project coordinator Organizing explainers teams Universcience example

2 Le Palais de la découverte Opened in 1937 To show Science in the making Disciplinary oriented 5 300m 2 Exhibitions 20 permanent spaces for mediators

3 Opened in 1986 To create a completely interactive Museum Science & society oriented 25 000 m 2 exhibitions 15 permanent or temporary spaces for mediators La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie A Fablab & a Living lab… 5 000 m 2 specific exhibitions for children

4 Organization of the mediators Before the merger 45 full time permanent médiators 55 part time, paid by hour staff 15 PhD students 33 days/year 30 full time permanent mediators 30 full time permanent Teachers for 4 years After the merger 45 full time permanent médiators 50 Phd students 33 days/year 25 full time permanent mediators 20 Phd students 33 days/year Palais Cité

5 What Science Mediators do at universcience Interact with the publics Design activities Write science communication articles Participate at the designing of exhibitions Organise events Manage projects Participate to conferences Train themself and others …

6 Thank you !

7 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Interaction with publics Source : médiation culturelle, Ecole des mines- paris Tech/DEPS 2010

8 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Direct interaction with publics Designers Mediators The head and the legs Source : médiation culturelle, Ecole des mines- paris Tech/DEPS 2010

9 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Direct interaction with publics Designers Mediators The methods’ Office Source : médiation culturelle, Ecole des mines- paris Tech/DEPS 2010

10 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Direct interaction with publics Designers Mediators amongst connoisseurs

11 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Designers Médiators Among friends Interaction with publics

12 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Hyperspecialisation contenus Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Direct interaction with publics Designers Mediators Designers Mediators

13 The different type of organizations in Cultural Institutions Mediators Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Versatility Interaction with publics

14 Palais de la découverte’s mediators Mediators Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Interaction with publics

15 Cité des Sciences’ mediators : exhibitions destined to 10 year old to adults Mediators Contents Publics Design of exhibitions/ activities Demonstration in front of publics

16 Professional configuration of universcience’s mediators : mediators of the Cité des enfants Médiators Contents Pedagogy Design of exhibitions/ activities Interaction with publics

17 The versatility of Science Mediators Project management Activities design Knowledge and abilities improvement Interaction with publics 4main of skills areas

18 The repertoire of Science Mediators competencies Transversal Transversal skills

19 Thank you !

20 Bibliography Aubouin,N., Kletz, F. et Lenay, O., Entre continent et archipel, les configurations professionnelles de la médiation culturelle, 2009. Aubouin, N., Kletz, F. et Lenay, O. Médiation culturelle : l’enjeu de la gestion des ressources humaines, 2010. Frugier, S. Le profil socio-démographique et les activités des médiateurs de CSTI, Lettre Ocim n° 164 Mars-avril- 2016 :

21 The repertory of Science mediators skills

22 mediators skill Activities design

23 mediators skills : knowledge and abilities improvement

24 mediators skills : project management

25 The generic skills of Science mediators

26 What evolution for Senior mediators ? Mutli media design Scientific journalism Organisation of events Exhibition design Promotion Training of mediators Management Project manager Science mediator

27 What evolution for Senior mediators Mutli media design Scientific journalism Organisation of events Exhibition design Promotion Training of mediators Management Project manager Science mediator In small groups : choose a profession and try to identify the skills that a Science mediator already posses and those that he or she should develop to evolve ?

28 a 4 years’ project (2012-2015) 8 partners from Science culture a profesionnal training space For science mediators (animators, explainers….) A multi partenarial national project sustained by the government The «Ecole de la médiation »’ Project

29 Science centers and science culture associations (Les Petits débrouillards, Planète- Sciences, Traces /Espace Gilles de Gennes/ESPCI, Universcience) Universities(Université René-Diderot, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en- Yvelines) des opérateurs de la formation professionnelle d’adultes (le Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, l’Office de coopération et d’information muséale) The project’ partners

30 The main goals Promote equal opportunities for all citizens through access to science culture Arouse interest in science and foster inquisitive mind Bring awareness on the Science mediators (the skills required and the training need of these professionals)

31 Science mediators (animators, explainers, guides …) Art and culture mediators Students in science and researchers The targets audience of the project

32 LABORATORY FOR IDEAS Conceive training modules TRAINING CENTER Organize appropriate continuous vocational training. OBSERVATORY Conduct studies on practices The project’different components

33 Training modules : interaction with publics How do we look at publics and why ? Using an eye-tracker system and movement detector Theatrical techniques to be more at ease with the publics

34 Training modules : knowledge and abilities improvement How we construct gender stereotypes and what to do about it ? My institution in the Science culture history How do I learn, and how others do ?

35 Training modules : activities design What form of mediation to choose for what objectives and constraints ? What are the main questions to ask before starting designing an activity ?

36 Training modules : project management How to work as a team, to build a budget, a planning… What is the role of a project manager, of a member of a team…

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