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How do we discover and address down syndrome? Annie Kalfaian Team 10.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we discover and address down syndrome? Annie Kalfaian Team 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we discover and address down syndrome? Annie Kalfaian Team 10

2 This is Jimmy. He’s an only child and he has always wanted a sibling to play with. One day, his mom and dad told him that his wish was about to come true. In 9 months, Jimmy is going to have the little brother he has always wanted.

3 A few weeks after the news, and as Jimmy continues to get excited for his brother to arrive, he notices that his parents are becoming sad, and that isn’t normal. One day, Jimmy asked his mom what was wrong. With tears in her eyes, she said that their baby was going to be a little “different.” Between doctors visits and shopping for toys, Jimmy always talks about how excited he is.

4 Jimmy couldn’t understand how his little brother could be different. He thought, if his brother turned out to be anything like himself, then he was going to be awesome, too. His mother discovered this fact while at a doctors appointment recently. A doctor was able to find out through tests and other technology that his new brother was going to be “different.” This was quite fascinating to Jimmy because he aspires to be a doctor.

5 It turns out, the difference between Jimmy and his brother is something really tiny. Normally, every person’s cells contain 46 little things called chromosomes. Chromosomes are what made Jimmy’s hair blonde and his eyes blue. His brother, on the other hand, has 47 of these chromosomes. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can have some serious effects. chromosomes c

6 Jimmy goes to school and gets to learn and play alongside all of his friends. However, his parents fear that his brother won’t be able to do so, too. This extra chromosome results in a condition called Down syndrome. Down syndrome affects how a person talks, acts, learns, and grows.Down syndrome

7 Some people think that others with Down syndrome are very different. Jimmy doesn’t think like that. He knows his brother will be awesome. He thinks to himself, “So what if he’s a little different? He’s still my brother.”

8 The day that Jimmy’s brother was born was the most exciting day of his life. His wish was finally reality! As he sees his new brother for the first time, who they named Brian, he notices that he looks a little different. But it doesn’t bother him. He is happy and so are his parents.

9 Months are passing by and Brian is growing up quickly alongside his brother and family. He has a lot of doctors appointments to go to, but he still has a lot of free time to play with Jimmy. It has now become time for Brian to go to school, and he was placed in class with some of Jimmy’s younger friends. He has turned out to not be so different after all. He is a smart and joyful kid who is just as cool as his older brother. It is just how Jimmy expected.not

10 Sometimes, mean kids tease Brian and call him hurtful names because of his disability. Jimmy chooses to wear a bracelet that has “Spread the Word to End the Word” written on it to stand up for Brian. Actions like this help make kids like Brian become more respected, as they deserve to be.Spread the Word to End the Word

11 Jimmy and Brian are more than brothers, they’re best friends. They may have some differences, but each of them are capable of great things. Brian may need more guidance and support than an average child, but he’s sure to live a fulfilling life with that kind of help.


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