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Bullying Prevention at the Jr. High Nathan Ballagh, Haley Hockensmith, Jenny Rinehart.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying Prevention at the Jr. High Nathan Ballagh, Haley Hockensmith, Jenny Rinehart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying Prevention at the Jr. High Nathan Ballagh, Haley Hockensmith, Jenny Rinehart

2 State Policy A definition of harassment and bullying that is consistent with the definition in the legislation (this is in the sample policy), and which includes all of the following 17 traits/characteristics: real or perceived age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status. A statement declaring harassment and bullying to be against state and school policy, and making the policy applicable to all school employees, volunteers, and students in school, on school property, or at any school function or school-sponsored activity. A description of the type of behavior expected from school employees, volunteers, parents or guardians, and students relative to prevention measures, reporting, and investigation of harassment or bullying. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a person who violates the policy. A procedure for reporting an act of harassment or bullying, including the identification by job title of the school official responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented, and the identification of the person or persons responsible for receiving reports of harassment or bullying. A procedure for the prompt investigation of complaints, either identifying the school superintendent or the superintendent's designee as the individual responsible for conducting the investigation, including a statement that investigators will consider the totality of circumstances presented in determining whether conduct objectively constitutes harassment or bullying under this section. A statement of the manner in which the policy will be publicized.

3 District Policy Anti-Bullying/Harassment Code No. 403.7 and Code No. 502.13 Last revised on 7/18/07

4 Jr. High Bullying/Harassment Policy Students who feel that they have been harassed should: 1. Communicate to the harasser that the student expects the behavior to stop, if the student is comfortable doing so. If the student needs assistance communicating with the harasser, the student should ask their counselor for help. 2. If the harassment continues the student will visit their counselor or administrator about the issue. How can Jr. High students report bullying? Report it to a teacher, counselor or administrator. If they are not comfortable with that tell a trusted adult and ask them to report it. Fill out bullying/harassment form and turn in to the counseling office. Complete anonymous online reporting form which goes directly to admin.

5 The Counselor/Administrator will: 1st offense: Meet with the harasser to process the bullying and harassment issue. (If the counselor feels this will not make the problem worse or the harassment is severe enough that immediate consequences need to be made). The counselor will also contact parent/guardians of the harasser and the victim making them aware of the situation. Additional Offenses: The counselor will document on the attached forms the bullying incident. This will be forwarded to the Assistant Principal as a behavior referral. Administration will determine consequences which may include: Before school detention Detention after school Lunch detention Parent contact Mediation through the Polk County District Attorney’s Office Report to the school resource officer Suspension program Additional counseling or therapeutic services Recommendation for expulsion to the School Board Note: If the harassment/bullying continue the student needs to contact their counselor each time so additional behavior referrals can be made.

6 Spring Bullying Data

7 Spring Bullying Data Cont.. Reported Bullying Incidents Total # of Bullying Referrals Total # of Students Involved 2011-129574 2012-136156

8 Spring Bullying Data Cont..


10 Spring Bullying Data Cont...



13 What is the Jr. High Doing? Multiple lessons/activities in advisory School wide activities to promote awareness (video contest, 2 speakers, awareness week) Two surveys a year on bullying Rams Against Bullying student organization 8th grade ELA unit "I Believe" focused on bullying prevention awareness Two flex assemblies on how JH students can help prevent bullying (survey results) Report incidents to state reporting system

14 8th Grade ELA Unit "I Believe" Focused on the power of words Iowa Core Curricular Connection o Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. o Students focused on addressing their claim and the opposing counterclaim Viewed teacher selected clips of the documentary "Bully" by Lee Hirsch"Bully" o Students engaged in active viewing and reflection for each clip shown in class

15 "Bully" Viewing Guide

16 Student Reflection Questions

17 Proposals Worked in groups of 4-5 students Students used the Problem & Solution approach Proposed realistic solutions to what they defined as the problem Proposals were given to administrators, board members & community members

18 Community Proposals Student Generated Ideas: 1.Similarity Day 2.Bully Boot Camp 3.More supervision in hallways 4.Train students to help monitor/report 5.Develop district wide program 6.Bully Grief Group 7.Bully Pledge/Contract 8.Revise Bullying Reporting Procedure

19 Stand for the Silent Kirk Smalley lost his son, Ty, at the age of 11 Started in 2012 by a group of students at Oklahoma State University Exists as a platform to share Ty's story and offer education and tools May 13th, 2014: STFS will return to Southeast Polk

20 Southeast Polk's Chapter of SFTS Including grades 6-12 All students will be allowed to join Representatives will be chosen by faculty members o Discuss  Spread the SFTS message  Ways to impact our school/community  Bullying at SEP  Propose solutions  Hold fundraisers to support group activities/bully prevention

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