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Teammates Survey Results June 19, 2016 June 26, 2016 Lesson follows…….

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Presentation on theme: "Teammates Survey Results June 19, 2016 June 26, 2016 Lesson follows……."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teammates Survey Results June 19, 2016 June 26, 2016 Lesson follows…….

2 57 people responded  6 - married (1-10 years)  10 - married (11-20)  13 - married (21-30)  17 - married (31-40)  11 - married (41-50) 41/57 married 21 + years

3 Age Demographics  2 (40s)  21 (50s)  27 (60s)  8 (70s) 48/58 in 50s and 60s

4 Topics Covered  37 - Strengthening Your Marriage  33 - Communication  32 - Your Mission as a Couple  28 - Leaving a Legacy  26 - Study the Bible

5 Today’s Lesson – June 26, 2016 Life Changes for Couples “J” - Just Do It! Jack Lea

6 Life Changes for Couples by James M. Reeves A Biblical 12-Step Journey for Marriage Enrichment

7 “J” - Just Do It!

8 “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practices these principles in all our affairs.”  What has God shown you about Himself, yourself, and others in this process?  About God  About Yourself  About Your Spouse

9 All Change involves - Attitudes, Actions, and Relationships  Change, in order to be real, must be consistent  Practice, Practice, Practice (Sweep Right)  Preach, Preach, Preach (Announce)  Pay, Pay, Pay (Willingly Help Others)

10 Practice, Practice, Practice  A - Admit Powerlessness (I am weak in my flesh)  B - Believe the Truth (The Enemy is a deceiver)  C- Commit to Christ (Daily submission)  D- Discover Responsibility (Examine my heart)  E - Expose the Secrets (Secrets kill the inside)

11 Practice, Practice, Practice  F - Focus on Faith (Obey God - Trust God)  G - Go Get Right (Deal with issues When they arise)  H - Heed the Weeds (H.O.M.E. - E.O.D. inventory)  I - Increase God Contact (Adopt ways to grow closer to God)  J- Just Do It (Consistently apply - then share with others)

12 “ Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did on fall, for it have been founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25 We cannot have the marriage God intended for us if our relationships are built on self-will, rather than His Will.

13 Which of these principles has been the easiest for you to practice daily? Why? Which has been the most difficult? Why? What do you need to do in order to become more consistent in your weaker areas? Table Talk

14 Preach, Preach, Preach Notice - Practice Comes Before Preaching  What Do I Preach?  Share what is bringing you help, hope, and healing  What are some things you know from this process you can preach? Table Talk

15 Preach, Preach, Preach  How Do I Preach?  Tell your story of help, hope, and healing  John Chapter 9 - the blind man from birth “He then answered, ‘Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.’” John 9:25

16 Preach, Preach, Preach  Where Do I Preach?  Wherever you are - deliver the truth in love and humility, without arrogance, or pride “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:2

17 Preach, Preach, Preach “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts1:8  What are some situations where you can tell your story of help, hope, and healing?  Where is your Jerusalem?  Your Judea?  Your Samaria? Table Talk

18 Pay, Pay, Pay  Critical in the Recovery Process is the incredible willingness to help others who genuinely want help.  People in recovery understand their recovery will never be as strong is it could be until the begin to help others into the process.  In beginning goal was wholeness - which means you are able to give away more than you receive.  In truth, We always have to receive, but when we are emotionally/spiritually mature we can bless others. “Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8

19 Prayer Time  Pray for your marriage  Pray for your spouse – no fix them prayers  Pray for our pastor and church  Pray for Teammates – arm us for spiritual warfare  Pray for yourself – to be more loving to your spouse

20 See you in September! Don’t stop here == 

21 Fair thee well Cap’n Jack. Red sails and all that stuff. Arrrrrrgh! Yer a whale of A friend and we luv ya, Matey!

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