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Making internships a success Anne Spackman Chief Executive, Career Ready.

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Presentation on theme: "Making internships a success Anne Spackman Chief Executive, Career Ready."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making internships a success Anne Spackman Chief Executive, Career Ready



4 Skills for Career Success Communication Team working Organisational skills Managing myself Self awareness Managing my career Problem solving and analysis Resourcefulness

5 Career Ready students In sixth form, 16-19 years old on average Typically middle achieving Mindset to aspire and achieve higher Limited access to professional workplaces Genuinely interested in work and careers


7 A typical internship An opportunity to: Gain an understanding of the sector Develop awareness of career options and routes Improve workplace skills (Skills for Career Success) Increase their confidence in the workplace Add value to their internship employer

8 Interviewing students Student nominated by the school/college coordinator Employer sent student application form Employer contacts the student for interview Interview outcome and student confirmed

9 Preparing for your student Programme for the 1 st week, including induction Brief colleagues on the internship Arrange building and IT access Set up meetings with key individuals Set up a buddy system Arrange lunch with their buddy on the first day Make contact the week before internship

10 “Offering an internship helps the business community to shape the next generation of employees and I was thrilled that we were able to offer one of our students a permanent career opportunity.” Debbie Taaffe, Santander

11 Objective setting Set, monitor and review internship objectives Map back to the Skills for Career Success Schedule a mid point review End point assessment and feedback session

12 Our Journeys Nancy Flint / Nikhil Howai Lessons learnt What went well

13 Student induction Employers to provide induction and training Workplace expectations communicated: –especially health and safety –internet access and –use of mobile phones Employer contact details ( Student Internship Toolkit ) NOTE: For many students, this is their first experience of the world of work. It is useful to tell and show students what to do

14 Holidays and sickness Religious holidays and study commitments Annual Leave is accrued during the internship Illness during the internship Working hours regulation states: –that under 18s cannot work more than 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. –further guidance can be found on the ACAS websiteACAS website

15 Internship presentations Review and reflection activity 10 – 15 minutes Presented to supervisor and key individuals Discuss in induction so student is fully aware

16 The role of the school or college Contact in 1 st week to ensure they have settled Deal with any queries during the placement Visit the student in the last week, ideally to attend their internship presentation Arrange time with the supervisor to gain feedback

17 Support from Career Ready Regional Manager/school/college during placement Supervisor toolkit Student toolkit Internship example projects document Further safeguarding advice from NSPCC

18 What should I do if… the student is ringing in sick frequently I am concerned about their performance the student is not arriving on time the student is taking too long for lunch I receive a complaint about the student

19 Evaluation At the end of the internship you will be sent a link to a short evaluation survey Completing this survey enables Career Ready to evaluate students’ and supervisors’ experience and make improvements

20 Internship toolkits Student Toolkit and Supervisor Toolkit Your role as a supervisor – page 9 Setting objectives – page 11 End of internship presentation – page 13 Interview questions – page 16 Objective form – page 17 Review form – page 18

21 “ My internship gave me more confidence and a far more professional attitude” Dale Wylie, former Career Academy student Ellowes Hall


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