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Layers in My Family by Mary Erickson Ph.D. with Arizona art teacher Kathy David.

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Presentation on theme: "Layers in My Family by Mary Erickson Ph.D. with Arizona art teacher Kathy David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layers in My Family by Mary Erickson Ph.D. with Arizona art teacher Kathy David

2 Who are the members of your family? Children Adults Ancestors Pets Distant family Others who feel like family?

3 Keep the peace? Fix things? Act generously? Keep you laughing? Like to follow? Act independently? Expect to be the boss? Have another role? Who plays what role in your family? Does someone…

4 Family relationships are made up of complex layers. Sometimes you only can see the surface and must explore memories to find people, events and values that are important to your family. Sometimes family layers overlap; sometimes they split off or break; sometimes they mend or grow.

5 What are some of the key roles in your family? Some roles in the family are obvious and others can be hidden or quiet but just as important.

6 Stephen Marc made this digital photo montage showing the Suggs family in California. Besides including photos of family members, how does Marc suggest events and ideas in the family’s history? Stephen Marc, Sugg House #3, digital photo montage

7 Imagine you were telling a story of the layers of your family, as it is or, maybe, as you would like it to be. What people, events and values would you be sure to include? Lynette Andreasen, Family Portrait, mixed media

8 Family Matters is an exhibition at the Tempe Center for the Arts. You and your family are invited to visit the exhibition and see how artists show complex and simple truths about families. Vala Ola, Little Mama, bronze

9 Special thanks to artists Stephen Marc Lynette Andreasen Vala Ola

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