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SOL 9a Essential Questions Why did the United States abandon its traditional isolationist foreign policy? How did the United States expand its influence.

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Presentation on theme: "SOL 9a Essential Questions Why did the United States abandon its traditional isolationist foreign policy? How did the United States expand its influence."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOL 9a Essential Questions Why did the United States abandon its traditional isolationist foreign policy? How did the United States expand its influence in the world?

2 What is imperialism? The policy of stronger nations CONQUERING weaker nations in an effort to build an EMPIRE

3 What lands were being conquered? AFRICA and Southeast ASIA Competition for colonies in these areas will eventually lead to the Great War (WWI)


5 Reasons for Imperialism Industrial Revolution- Technological developments create increased needs for NATURAL RESOURCES

6 Reasons for Imperialism “White-man’s burden” & Manifest Destiny- Whites feel morally obligated to “CIVILIZE” native people groups

7 Reasons for Imperialism Importance of SEA POWER – 1890: Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, in which he argued that the US needed to develop a stronger NAVY in order to be able to COMPETE against other rising world powers

8 Creation of international markets Open Door Policy – Secretary of State John Hay proposed a policy that would give all nations equal trading rights in China.

9 Open Door Policy

10 Creation of international markets Dollar Diplomacy – President Taft urged American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America. – He promised that the United States would step in if unrest threatened their investments.


12 Creation of international markets Growth in international trade occurred from the late 1800s to World War I – The first era of a true “global economy”

13 Lead up to Spanish-American War Cuba wants to be free from Spain Spain wants to hold on to Cuba It’s got a CASH Crop.. Sugar! American business men are also interested in this cash crop.

14 Yellow Journalism Reporting that exaggerates the news to lure new readers Was used during the Spanish-American war to drum up support for the Cuban rebels. The newspapers report crazy stuff like children being poisoned or fed to sharks.





19 The De Lome Letter is Intercepted Interception and publication of the De Lome letter, a letter from a Spanish Ambassador in the USA describing the American PRESIDENT as “dimwitted” and weak This letter, written by the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Enrique Dupuy de Lome, criticized American President William McKinley by calling him weak and concerned only with gaining the favor of the crowd. Publication of the letter helped generate public support for a war with Spain over the issue of independence for the Spanish colony of Cuba.


21 EXPLOSION OF THE USS MAINE 250 Americans die in the EXPLOSION of the USS Maine, a battleship sent by the US to Cuba to protect U.S. property – While probably caused by an accidental fire, the AMERICAN PUBLIC blamed the Spanish and urged CONGRESS to declare war against Spain




25 Purpose of the War To FREE Cuba from SPANISH rule

26 Rough Riders: Volunteers led by Lt. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt who invaded CUBA to help liberate the Cubans

27 US Victory in the War War ends in 3 ½ MONTHS with US victory over the Spanish

28 Gains from the Span-Am War – Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines were annexed by the United States. – The United States asserted the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.

29 Spanish American War

30 Latin America Panama Canal and the role of Theodore Roosevelt – United States encouraged Panama’s independence from Colombia. – Parties negotiated a treaty to build the canal.

31 American leaders realized the need for the Panama Canal after fighting the Spanish American War in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans To acquire the land for the Canal, the US supported a revolution in Panama (broke away from Colombia). The Panama Canal shortens the water route from New York City to San Francisco by almost 9,000 miles.


33 Asia and the Pacific Hawaii – U.S. efforts to depose Hawaii’s monarchy. – U.S. annexation of Hawaii.



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