Paradise Lost by John Milton. Milton 1608-1674 Poet and political activist Wrote against corruption in Anglican church and ties to King Charles Was opposed.

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1 Paradise Lost by John Milton

2 Milton 1608-1674 Poet and political activist Wrote against corruption in Anglican church and ties to King Charles Was opposed to concept of state dominated church Believed kings must be servants of the people (contrasted with idea that kings only answer to God) Opposed to monarchical form of gov. Went to jail for writing down his beliefs A Protestant – believed in individual freedom

3 Paradise Lost Milton began writing in 1650s Published in 1667 as 10 books; reorganized into 12 books in 1674 Milton was blind at time of writing. Thought to have dictated the text to secretaries

4 Paradise Lost Epic poem with 10,000+ lines Many of the same elements as The Odyssey and The Iliad (hero, war, in medias res)

5 Paradise Lost Central story is about Adam and Eve (from Genesis in the Bible) – their creation and how they lost their place in “Paradise” (the Garden of Eden) Also includes story of the origin of Satan  Originally an angel in heaven. Led his followers in a war against God and ended up in Hell  Satan’s quest for revenge led to him disguising himself as a serpent to tempt Eve to eat forbidden fruit

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