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For F’s Sake finance, facilities, fundraising and forms.

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Presentation on theme: "For F’s Sake finance, facilities, fundraising and forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 For F’s Sake finance, facilities, fundraising and forms

2 Your Forms  Event/Trip Planner  Purchase Orders  Committee Lists  Transport/Travel Booking  Room Bookings  Club Grants

3 Wow! So Much Paperwork!  Why Do We Have All These?  Because we want to inconvenience you  Because we take pleasure from bureaucracy  Because we have nothing better to do than interfere  That’s the honest truth.  We just like to be difficult.

4 Ok, not entirely honest…  Event Planners:  Help us know club’s financial contribution  Room Bookings:  Help us secure you a space on campus  Committee Lists:  Who to contact throughout the year  We ask for everything in advance to help ensure your events and activities are well planned.

5 Events planning events and selling tickets

6 Event/Trip Planner  This is to be filled out for any event or trip you plan  Complete the relevant sections as fully as you can. This should be submitted to the students union at least 2 weeks before the event.  Less than 2 weeks? Events are like shrubs, need to grow.  When submitting please e-mail from your University student email address for identity verification purposes.  E-mail to

7 Event/Trip Planner  The event/trip planner is a resource to help you plan.  When completing the form, start early and consider every question it asks.  A fully completed form generally represents a well planned and successful event  An incomplete form suggests that not all aspects have been considered

8 Event/Trip Planner  Common Problems:  Not bothered to complete finance section  Important for office to anticipate individual payments  Forgetting VAT  20% taken off all “ticket” sales. By government. Not us.  Not checking club balance  Any event needs to be budgeted, check and include your balance  Selling tickets too late  Before invoice can be paid, money needs to come in.  Just not bothering at all  Takes up time, when invoices do arrive and we have no knowledge.

9 Selling Tickets  Don’t expect tickets to sell themselves!  Natural tendency is for people to buy tickets at the last minute  …but this can prove difficult when organising an event.  Encourage attendees to buy tickets in advance  Consider an “early bird” incentive  Early payments allows you to pay for the event  Venue hire/decorations/deposits/entertainment

10  There are restrictions on certain types of events, eg:  Film Screenings  Consider copyright! Must have educational value  Can you include a discussion afterwards?  If not, contact MacRobert for a private screening  Cheese & Wine Nights  Societies cannot spend money on alcohol  Look to arrange a catering package for such an event  MacRobert or local venues can support this

11  Come into the Union offices!  Frances can arrange use of Union spaces.  Lauren can help with marketing & design  Alban can blether on about what works and what doesn’t  Nick can ask the tough questions  Or FLAN in one easy to remember acronym.

12 Spending Money accessing club funds

13 Finances & Fundraising  How do I put on a fundraiser?  Where do I take my money afterwards?  How do I access my club account?  What happens if I have a successful grant?

14 Finances  Treasurers are always welcome to pop in to the union office for a print out of accounts or any other queries.  The Students’ Union team are here to help support your society and answer all financial questions.  How much is in my balance? How can I invoice someone? There’s a problem with this invoice.

15 Spending Club Funds  How much of our club account can we spend?  Up to 100% for core activities (related to your aims)  Up to 60% for other activities (not related to constitution)  Who can access the account?  President & Treasurer, for invoices and expenses  When Treasurer is claiming expenses, President signs off  What can we not spend club account on?  Meals, individual garments, individual spends not to the benefit of the club

16 Claiming Expenses  Keep your receipt  Come into the Union office  Complete a “pink”, expenses claim form  Must be signed of by treasurer or president  Must be claimed with 60 days or purchase  Amounts under £50 can be returned in cash  Over £50 may be paid by BACS  Only between 9am and 4pm every weekday

17 Purchase Orders  To be completed for any purchase over £50  Purchases for less than £50 can be processed with a pink claim form and receipts.  Examples:  MacRobert invoices/accommodation/transport booking  Always make sure you ask for and keep receipts for all club purchases!  Unsure? Come in and ask!

18 Paying Money In  Do so quickly, don’t leave cash lying about  Come into the Union office  Complete a “yellow”, paying in form  Can be done by anyone  Must specify what it is for (fundraising, tickets sales etc)  Only between 9am and 4pm every weekday

19 Fundraising  Key to the sustainability of your club!  Sponsorship  Bars and Nightclubs  Remember to be safe and use a contract!  Events  Tournaments/Performances & Other Key Activities  Bake Sales, Toastie Nights & Quizzes  Bag-Packing and Sponsored Activities

20 Fundraising  Chaplaincy  Perfect for bake-sales & toastie nights – reliable fundraisers!  E-mail Joan on  Atrium  Can be used for sponsored events (eg. Cycle for Aids)  Think Creatively!  What has been done before, what works and what is new?  Disney Society’s “Text-a-Toastie” idea

21 Grants for Clubs  Capital Equipment Fund (£1500)  Investment into equipment or materials you need  £300 limit for each application  Special Event Fund (£1500)  For events, trips, or any other single events  £300 limit for each application

22 Club Grants  If you are needing some extra capital to develop your club then apply for a grant!  The grant scheme is designed to help you go that little bit further than your funds allow  Favourable grants include  new events, new equipment, special trips.  Please ensure you complete the grant form correctly!

23 Club Grants  Common problems with grants:  Form not completed correctly (check the example online)  Applying for an event(s) which has already happened  Already have the money available to run the event  Not enough fundraising  Once submitted, your grant with be brought to the next CZEC meeting and considered by the panel.  If successful, you will be notified and funds will be allocated for your project. Please ensure when completing claim forms/ invoices that club grant is specified  If unsuccessful, you will receive feedback for next time

24 Kit Purchases

25 ItemWho Pays?Example CostNotes GarmentIndividual Contribution£20 / hoodie VATIndividual Contribution20% of item cost DeliveryClub Contribution£20 total Club LogoClub Contribution£3 printing Sponsor LogoSponsor’s Contribution£3 printing Personalised NameIndividual Contribution£5 printingIf chosen, covered by the person buying the garment All makes sense? Let ’ s put that into a budget:

26 Affiliation committee lists and all that

27 Committee Lists  Please submit your committee list after your AGM and after any later changes  Download the template online and fill out all contact details  Name  Position  Student Number  E-mail  Phone Number

28 Transport getting from A to B

29 Transport Booking  Online submission form  Select “Non-Sports Club” from drop-down menu  When hiring, check with Union to ensure you have eligible drivers  For 9-seaters – Over 21 & 2 years experience  For 15-seaters – Over 21 & 2 years experience & MIDAS  Clubs must have sufficient funds to cover damage excess, which can range from £200 - £500.

30 Transport Booking  Try and travel by the cheapest possible means  And save your club money!  Make sure you book your transport early  At least one week before the event is due.  Demand can be higher due to sports clubs’ competitions  Only book as much as you need  Even if you are feeling optimistic, larger vehicles cost more!  Like event tickets, encourage members to pay well in advance so you can accommodate the demand there is

31 Room Bookings doing stuff in places

32 Room Booking  There are plenty free options available to you!  Remember to complete the room booking form early  You may be limited to what you can use your booking for.  For example, you cannot sell raffle tickets, consume alcohol, or show films for socials. Or do all of that at once.  Unusual event? Complete an Event Planner first!

33 Facilities University Venues  Suitable for meetings, seminars, debates and more  Rooms & Lecture Theatres  only outside teaching time (all day on weekends and after 6.30pm Mon-Fri)  Atrium  can be booked all day, every day  Send room booking form to with at least 3 working days (72 hours) notice.

34 Facilities University Venues  Check Students Union website (Forms & Resources) or ask in Union office for capacities of University spaces.  3 working days (72 hours) for all bookings please!

35  Ideal for AGMs & general meetings  Send an email to with details and times or visit the front desk in the Union Office.  Max capacity of 20 people  Once you receive confirmation, you hold a booking!

36  Ideal for socials, fundraisers, organised activities  Speak to Frances Slorance (Commercial Manager)  01786 467183 or  Once you receive confirmation, you hold a booking!

37  A new space, full renovation of Envy.  Versatile for many events, from rehearsals to performances  Can even accommodate awards nights with catering  Speak to Frances Slorance (Commercial Manager) for bookings

38 Booking a Room  Visit Students Union website,  Clubs & Societies, Forms & Resources page  Download the Room Booking form  Complete and submit 3 working days (72 hours) in advance of the booking  Send from your student e-mail address to  You will receive confirmation.

39 Wait, I didn’t catch that?  Submit room bookings to  Send them 3 working days in advance (72 hours)  We don’t work at weekends  Thank you.

40 So, just to clarify…  You want an atrium stall on Monday 21 st.  You send in a room booking at 5:27pm on Friday 18 th.  Nothing gets done.  This is not 3 working days or 72 hours in advance.  This is my weekend. I do not work on my weekend.  Yah?

41 How to Book a Room

42 Do’s & (please) Don’ts  Ask for details (financial or membership) if you aren’t the president or treasurer  Spend money without consulting your committee!  Buy alcohol  Buy something over £50 without a purchase order  Spend more than you have… If you become overdrawn, your club will be suspended!  Bring your fundraising money in separate bags if possible!  Always check with your committee before making transactions  Submit a trip/event planner before any events  Be polite to staff!  Check your balance regularly AyeNaw

43 Always… Come into the Union office and ask for advice if you are uncertain about anything! Do

44 Any Questions? Lunch is available from Venue, in the Students’ Union. Next session begins at 13:30 in the Students Union.

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