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V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Centre Study 2008 Findings, Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Centre Study 2008 Findings, Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Centre Study 2008 Findings, Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives

2 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Purpose To capture and document the current landscape of the Canadian Volunteer Centre Network and gain a better understanding of their infrastructure, programs and services.

3 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Overview Conducted in Fall 2008 91.8% response rate 73 surveys completed Minimal data on the province of Quebec

4 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Survey Structure Profiling Information Programs & Services Marketing and Community Relations Volunteer Canada Priorities

5 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Structure Stand-alone non-profit – 61% Registered charity – 79%

6 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Location: Downtown – 55% Near downtown – 29% Suburban – 5% Rural – 4% Virtual – 2% Other – 5%

7 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Sources of Funding Earned revenue – 59% United Way – 53% Provincial Government – 51% Fundraising Activities / Donations – 51% Municipal Government – 45% Corporate – 45% Foundations – 30% Lotteries – 25% Federal Government – 19%

8 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Priorities: Promotion / increasing visibility – 62% Funding – 38% Community Networking – 23% Human Resources – 16% Training – 15%

9 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Membership 65% have a membership structure 69% charge a fee On average < $10,000 in earned revenue Members are – nonprofits, individuals Benefits – promotion, reduced pricing on products, recruitment, training

10 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information - Findings Use of Technology Computers / email / internet – 100% Website – 93% Fax – 92% Voicemail – 84% Online tools / resources – 36% Blackberries – 10%

11 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Profiling Information Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Community relevance Community leadership Delivery of strong programs and services Leadership on issues / trends in volunteerism Strong structure and foundation Technology Membership

12 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Programs & Services Findings Organizations served – 25% / over 200 Individuals served – 16% / over 5,000

13 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A 13 Programs & Services Findings Services Volunteer Matching Training and Consulting Services National Volunteer Week Resource centres

14 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Programs & Services Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Leadership to align opportunities with trends Outreach strategies to potential volunteers Recognize importance of strong organizational structures Access to research Promote volunteerism throughout the year

15 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Findings Media Relations Press releases for spec. occasions – 90% Designated media contact person – 68% Regularly sends information – 56% Regular column / radio spot – 52% Have taken media training – 30%

16 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Findings Role in the Community Attend community meetings – 75% Community committee participation – 73% Coordinates community meetings – 42% Part of disaster response plan – 40%

17 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Marketing and Community Relations Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Marketing and communications planning Ongoing promotion of volunteerism Community mapping Case for support

18 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings Promoting volunteerism – 78% Volunteer centre relations – 67% National dialogues / public policy – 65% Capacity bldg on vol involvement – 65% Strategic alliances – 60% KD / Trend Identification – 58%

19 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings

20 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Findings

21 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Volunteer Canada Priorities Opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Continued focus on vol. centre relationships Work with volunteer centres to build strong foundations Building leadership – Exec Directors Technology support Responding to trends Relationship with provincial associations

22 V O L U N T E E R C A N A D A | B É N É V O L E S C A N A D A Current Activities / Next Steps 22

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