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The United States during World War II How did the Second World War affect life in the United States?

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1 The United States during World War II How did the Second World War affect life in the United States?

2 Selective Service Act (1940) registered men (18-26) for the draft 10 million served in armed forces during war, including women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, Chinese Americans, and homosexuals. African Americans were forced to train in segregated camps and serve in segregated units (ended by Truman in 1948)

3 Conversion to War Economy Factories were converted for wartime supplies and munitions  Put people to work; ended the depression War Production Board – managed war industries National War Labor Board

4 Waste Helps the Enemy




8 Citizen Contributions to War Effort Citizens contributed to the war effort by  rationing consumer goods  recycling materials  purchasing war bonds  working in war industries.

9 Women and the War

10 “We Can Do It” – Women Defense Workers Over 200,000 served in military (noncombat) Number of women workers in the United States grew from 14 million to 19 million. Women made up about 35 percent of the civilian labor force. “Rosie the Riveter”


12 Demands for Equality African Americans fought in segregated units Wartime migration - majority of African Americans moved to cities A. Philip Randolph, head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters union, planned a 100,000 person march on Washington Executive Order 8802, authorizing Committee on Fair Employment Practices to investigate and prevent racial discrimination in employment. Double V Campaign, supported by NAACP, asserted African Americans’ demands for the rights and privileges enjoyed by all other Americans

13 Japanese Internment After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese- Americans encountered strong hostility, prejudice, and discrimination. Over 100,000 Japanese Americans living on the West coast were rounded up and confined to internment camps located inland. Executive Order 9066, signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, allowed authorized military commanders to designate "military areas" at their discretion.

14 Korematsu v. U.S. (1944) In a 6-3 decision, the Court sided with the government, ruling that the exclusion order was constitutional But, in Ex parte Endo the Supreme Court ruled that the government was not permitted to continue detaining loyal citizens In 1988, Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which provided redress of $20,000 for each surviving detainee.Civil Liberties Act of 1988

15 The Manhattan Project THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 29, 1943 SECRET My dear Dr. Oppenheimer: I have recently reviewed with Dr. Bush the highly important and secret program of research, development and manufacture with which you are familiar. I was very glad to hear of the excellent work which is being done in a number of places in this country under the immediate supervision of General L.R. Groves and the general direction of the Committee of which Dr. Bush is Chairman. The successful solution of the problem is of the utmost importance to the national safety, and I am confident that the work will be completed in as short a time as possible as the result of the wholehearted cooperation of all concerned.

16 The End of World War II Europe  D-Day – June 6 th, 1944  Battle of the Bulge – December, 1944  V-E Day – May 8, 1945 Pacific  Midway  Island Hopping  Atomic Bombs Hiroshima (8/6/45) Nagasaki (8/9/45)  Japan surrenders to Gen. MacArthur (9/2/45)

17 The End of World War II American Costs  1.1 million casualties 300,000 dead; 800,000 injured  $320 billion National debt quintuples to $250 billion Conferences  Casablanca (1943)  Teheran (1944)  Yalta (February 1945)  Potsdam (Summer 1945) U.N. (1945) Nuremburg Trials – prosecuted Nazis

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