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Desegregate lunch counters NOW! T h e 1 9 6 0 S i t - i n s t o d e s e g r e g a t e l u n c h c o u n t e r s i n t h e S o u t h.

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Presentation on theme: "Desegregate lunch counters NOW! T h e 1 9 6 0 S i t - i n s t o d e s e g r e g a t e l u n c h c o u n t e r s i n t h e S o u t h."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desegregate lunch counters NOW! T h e 1 9 6 0 S i t - i n s t o d e s e g r e g a t e l u n c h c o u n t e r s i n t h e S o u t h

2 February 1, 1960

3 Who were the FOUR?

4 A form of civil disobedience in the passive resistance movement by students to desegregate lunch counters. What is a Sit-in?

5 February 1 1960 The FOUR went to a Woolworth store & bought school supplies At 4:30, they sat in the white-only section of the lunch counter to order coffee & doughnuts. The white waitress told them: “I’m sorry but we don’t serve coloreds here.” They sat until 5:30 pm and were never served.

6 This first sit-in had very little effect. The manager of the store, said, "They can just sit there. It's nothing to me." February 2, 1960: The four returned with 15 to 27 supporters. They took turns sitting at the all-white lunch counter from 11 am to 3 pm. They were not served. There was no violence.

7 Feb. 3: Feb. 3: 63 of the 65 seats at the Woolworth counter were occupied by students Feb. 5: Feb. 5: More than 300 students protest. Woolworth’s business is paralyzed; sit-ins spread to 40 other cities Feb. 6: Feb. 6: An estimated 1000 protesters fill Woolworth seats at the lunch counter The Sit-in Continues

8 Others Follow

9 John Lewis & SNCC

10 When entering the restaurant, they would sit down and wait to be served. If owner of the restaurant didn’t want to serve them, they would just sit there and wait till they were physically removed from the restaurant. Non-violent Tactics

11 Woolworth & Kress department stores unscrew lunch counter seats. Students jailed in TN. John Lewis & James Bevel are gassed with insecticides in locked restaurant in TN. Stores in Virginia close rather than serve blacks. Students are dragged down the street in VA. Police attack the marchers with tear gas and fire hoses, and force them into the "stockade” in SC

12 The Greensboro FW Woolworth agrees to desegregate its lunch counter, July 26, 1960 after it lost $200,000 dollars of business or 20% of its anticipated sales since February. Stores in Atlanta, the city most associated with Dr. King, desegregate. Greensboro sit-in movement spread across the nation like a wildfire. Within days, students were sitting in at lunch counters in 54 cities around the South. 50,000 students, nationwide, took part in sit-ins in 1960. 126 cities affected 2000 students arrested Woolworth’s, Kress, and other department stores voluntarily desegregate their lunch counters throughout the nation by November 1960…It takes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to nationalize mandatory desegregation.

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