E- SAFETY INFORMATION EVENING 13 July 2015. T EACHING E - SAFETY T HINK UK NOW https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk A recommended website for children to look.

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2 T EACHING E - SAFETY T HINK UK NOW https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk A recommended website for children to look at how to stay safe online Parents advice area – how to talk to your child about what they are looking at online / setting boundaries Connected with Child Exploitation Online Protection (CEOP) police website – ThinkUKnow allows online abuse to be reported

3 S OCIAL MEDIA – W HAT IS THE DIFFERENCE ? Social networks – online communication Blogs – online journal Forums – don’t have to all be online at once Chat rooms – in real time http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/0/22717886

4 S OCIAL NETWORKS & FILE SHARING SITES What the children know! Facebook (min age 13) + Tumblr + Instagram + Twitter Flickr Youtube + Myspace Snapchat Gaming – Grand Theft Auto (age 18) / Minecraft / Call of duty – check the PEGI rating http://www.pegi.info/en/index/id/33/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_networking_we bsites

5 S OCIAL NETWORKS – ADVANTAGES, RISKS AND RULES DISCUSSED WITH THE CHILDREN Advantages.. Connecting to others with similar interests / staying in touch / sharing photos /free / easy to use Risks…. Personal info out there and cannot be taken back / people hacking into accounts / bullying / online grooming / prosecution or recrimination from posting comments / isolating

6 S OCIAL NETWORK SAFETY Stay safe… Only allow friends to view profile / have a strong password / don’t give in to peer pressure eg bullying online / use privacy settings / be careful what you post to save later embarrassment

7 S CHOOLS POLICY ON E - SAFETY The school has a managed system – filtered Reports go to the Head Teacher when something inappropriate is searched for Sensitive information on the children is restricted Change passwords every 3-6 months Follow same lines as for Child protection incidents for any “anti” comments Currently there is the Channel Project on the radicalization of young children – police have identified people being groomed by extremists to be radicalized

8 E MAIL All children now have an email address on the school email system.. __________@fletching.e-sussex.sch.uk Classes now have an email address eg Class3@fletching.e-sussex.sch.uk Discussion with the children on advantages and disadvantages of email as a form of communication and email etiquette.

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