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Chapter 1 7 th grade review Christopher Columbus.

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1 Chapter 1 7 th grade review Christopher Columbus

2 How did the original voyages of discovery lead to the settlement of the United States? - Marco Polo - started interest in exploration -writing a book about it. -because of his travels European trade started to grow with Asia. -increased sailing technology, wealthier European nations and the desire to find a sea route to Asia


4 How did the original voyages of discovery lead to the settlement of the United States? -Christopher Columbus -first to reach The Americas (even though he thought he was in Asia) -other Spanish explorers visited the lands of the Aztecs and Inca claiming the land for their country and creating colonies. -France, The Netherlands, and England joined in

5 Hernan Cortez meets Montezuma

6 How did the original voyages of discovery lead to the settlement of the United States? -Spain and England began to compete for trade -England began attacking Spanish ships. -King Phillip of Spain got fed up and sent the Spanish Armada, a large group of ships, to defeat England. -He failed miserably and lost many ships. -This gave England the power and freedom to start colonies in the Americas.

7 Spanish Armada sets sail

8 In what ways was the ownership of colonies a good thing for countries? -Capitalism, big business, and banking were growing in Europe. -Mercantilism says that the richest countries are the most powerful. -Get rich by owning colonies and controlling the goods. -Countries make a lot of money from selling those goods to other countries.

9 How did trade effect countries and eventually lead to slavery? -Countries received new goods from The Americas -Some were easier to grow and more nutritious, some were helpful (curing diseases). -Religions were spread by missionaries -People could leave to escape religious persecution -persecution: mistreatment based on religion, race, etc. -Bartolome de Las Casas suggested using African slaves instead of Native Americans for plantation labor


11 How did trade effect countries and eventually cause slavery? -Countries needing a work force traveled to Africa to obtain slaves and then brought them on a grueling voyage to The Americas. -people were treated as property instead of humans. -agriculture and trade relied on having these workers.

12 Rendering of slave ship below decks

13 What Enlightenment ideas and European law systems were used by the writers of the Declaration of Independence? -Greek and Roman democratic ideas -10 commandments from Judaism and Christianity (basis of laws) -natural law from Thomas Aquinas -Magna Carta -English Bill of Rights and Parliament -ideas of John Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau

14 How are the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence similar? -The Magna Carta was the first document in history to call for human rights and rights for citizens. It was written in England after a period with a very bad king. -The English Bill of Rights came later in England and further detailed the rights of citizens. It was a guarantee. -The Declaration of Independence was written because the people of the colonies were not given the rights in the English Bill of Rights. It includes many of the same items in it. Instead of being a legal document of rights it is a statement and call to action.

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