Moving the agenda forward in Lancashire - Addressing the needs of all learners Ian Phillips 14-19 Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving the agenda forward in Lancashire - Addressing the needs of all learners Ian Phillips 14-19 Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving the agenda forward in Lancashire - Addressing the needs of all learners Ian Phillips 14-19 Adviser

2 Why make these changes? Focus on outcomes for young people –0-19 commissioning in the same place –A coherent, integrated and responsive offer for all young people, particularly the most vulnerable Raising the participation age (to 17 in 2013, to 18 in 2015) All young people to have access to high quality provision and the right support to enable them to benefit from the opportunities available Strengthening the link between 14-19 and local and regional skills strategies – key focus on economic development and social mobility

3 Local Authority duties LAs have duties and powers in respect of 16-19 year olds in their area including securing sufficient provision for education and training in terms of: quantity: the LA must ensure that there are enough providers to meet the requirements of young people in their area for education and training quality: the LA must take into account the quality of provision commissioned when making commissioning decisions the LA must act with a view to encouraging diversity in the education and training available to individuals and act with a view to increasing opportunities for individuals to exercise choice. the provision must be suitable to meet the requirements of individuals aged 16 to 18, for both full time and part time education and training.

4 14-19 Reform: Structure Machinery Of Government 14-19 Partnerships NEET / Participation IAG Services + Standards Employer Engagement ECM Qualifications Reform Funding 14-19 Curriculum QUALITY

5 Sub Regional Group Schools Sector Children's Trust Voluntary & Community Sector Lancashire 14-19 Partnership Local Authority 7 Area 14-19 Partnership LEAD Groups Lancashire Curriculum Group Further Education Sector Work -based Learning Sector Lancashire Transition Group Transition Group Task Groups e.g. Quality Assurance Finance Group Curriculum Group Foundation Learning Consortia Diploma Consortia NEET Group IAG Group

6 Local 14-19 Partnerships [LEAD Groups] Burnley and Pendle Chorley and South Ribble Fylde and Wyre, Hyndburn, Rossendale and Ribble Valley Lancaster and Morecambe Preston West Lancashire

7 National Frameworks GCSEs and AS/A Level Diplomas Foundation Learning Apprenticeship Employment with Training

8 14-19 Reform: Curriculum GCSEs Functional Skills Secondary Curriculum Review A Levels Project/ Extended Project Apprenticeships KS4 Engagement programme Foundation Learning The Diploma The whole curriculum Progression Pathways Apprenticeship, employment and HE

9 4 National Frameworks for Learning General GCSEs AS/A Levels Functional Skills in all learning routes Foundation Learning Unless there is clear evidence of need, or where young people are studying in informal non-accredited provision, all publicly funded qualifications for young people will fall within one of four routes:

10 Progress and progression routes across 14 -19, as part of a learners entitlement

11 FL Framework Principal Learning Skills, Knowledge and Understanding central to chosen line of learning Generic Learning FS in Mathematics, English and ICT PLTS/PSD Project Additional Specialist Learning Optional units Broaden and deepen learning Facilitate progress to other levels 10 days min. Work Experience Functional Skills Stand alone qualifications in FS in Mathematics, English and ICT Subject / Vocational Knowledge and Understanding central to Learner aspiration & progression Personal and Social Development Work Experience/WRL Quals that accommodate spiky profiles Quals that broaden and deepen learning in a level or at higher levels Clear progression choices and routes Diploma Framework NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) Knowledge and Understanding central to chosen occupational area Key Skills (Functional Skills) Technical Certificate Sector specific Apprenticeship Framework

12 Challenge Size Level 1 – 12 credits13 – 36 creditsAbove 37+ credits The architecture of the QCF: 1 credit = 10 hours of learning time (the amount of time and effort it takes to complete) FL AwardCertificateDiploma

13 14-19 National Suites PSD Subject/ Vocational Functional Skills ApprenticeshipsDiplomas GCSEs (and A-levels) Full level 2 Employment Supported Employment Living more Independently Effective Practice Principles Diagnostic & Initial Assessment NEET E2L KS3 options / KS4 other FL inputs and destinations QA Information, Advice & Guidance (Continuous & Integrated) Disengaged QCF Qualifications Provider requirements

14 PhaseDiploma areaAvailability Phase 1 ICT, Health and Social Care, Engineering, Creative and Media and Construction and the Built Environment. September 2008 Phase 2 Land-Based and Environmental, Manufacturing, Hair and Beauty, Business Administration and Finance and Hospitality and Catering September 2009 Phase 3 Public Services, Sport and Leisure, Retail, Travel and Tourism September 2010 Phase 4 Science, Humanities and Languages September 2011 Diplomas : Roll out

15 Diplomas in Lancashire 13 Diploma programmes running from September 2009 - 270 learners 45 Diploma programmes running from September 2010 – September 2010 A further 25 are scheduled to start from September 2011 100 Diploma Groups

16 Third Sector Role - Raising Participation Age - NEET - 14-19 Partnerships -Working with Local Authorities

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