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Study Skills Tiger University Jan 16, 2013 Woodlake HS.

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1 Study Skills Tiger University Jan 16, 2013 Woodlake HS

2 Learning is an active process. 1.If you don’t participate in learning, you will not be successful. 2.Each step in the learning process takes effort on your part.

3 Do you, as a student: 1.Have goals you want to achieve? 2.Know how to study? 3.Understand time management? 4.Use a calendar or planner? 5.Maintain an organized notebook or binder? 6.Know how to take notes?

4 Goal Setting What do YOU want? A goal is something you want to achieve. It can be either short-term or long- term. Short-term goal - something you want to achieve soon. 1.Set short-term goals for yourself Today, This week, This month Long-term goals – something you want to achieve in the distant future. 1.Set long-term goals for yourself The end of this course, HS Diploma, college, …etc

5 Let’s Set Some Goals! To set a goal, you should state WHAT you will do and WHEN you will do it. EXAMPLE: “I will receive a B+ in Algebra at the end of the course” Think about a short and long term goal and share with a partner. Short-term Goal Goal: _______________________________________ Long-term Goals- In the near future Goal: ________________________________________

6 It’s Study Time!

7 Effective Study Habits Study Time: 1.Find a place to study that is best for you. Consider whether it is best for you to be away from people, noise, and the way the light effects your studying. 2.Have everything you need to study, nearby while you study. This will save time when you don’t have to hunt for equipment and materials. 3.Reward yourself for hard work. Set a goal for the work time. When you achieve it, reward yourself with something you like. Some examples are: TV time, video games, phone time, etc. 4.Create a checklist of all the tasks you need to do before you begin to study. Prioritize these tasks starting with the most important tasks to be done. Check each item off as you complete it. This gives you a sense of accomplishment.

8 I Love It When a “PLAN” Comes Together!

9 Plan to Work & Work your Plan Use a planner or calendar Schedule everything - school, work, family, etc. Write assignments, tests and projects in planner by due date

10 Attendance

11 Don’t miss class! When you miss class, you miss instruction. Skills for each class are taught in sequence. Each lesson builds on the last. Regular attendance lets you know what to expect in order to be successful in the class. Punctuality is essential! If you arrive late, or leave early, you miss instruction. *If you can’t get to class on time, can you get to work on time??? *If you don’t go to work, would your boss pay you, or allow you to continue to work there???

12 If you’re going to earn a WHS Diploma, then you’ve got to EARN IT! If you’re going to earn a WHS Diploma, then you’ve got to EARN IT! Anything worth this much of your time should be taken seriously.Anything worth this much of your time should be taken seriously. Your success is up toYOU!!!

13 You’ve got to get ORGANIZED You need supplies 1.3-ring Binder Notebook 2.Dividers 3.Pens, Pencils, & Highlighters 4.Paper 5.Notecards

14 I can name that in a Note… Note-taking is a important strategy for classroom success. Find a style of note taking that consistently gives you good results.

15 Guidelines for Note Taking Keep track of your notes by heading your paper with: 1.Date 2.Name of Course 3.Lecture Topic 4.Number pages 5.Write headers within each set of notes 6.Use dividers to keep notes separated.

16 To speed up your note taking, use abbreviations 1.Equal: = 11. Introduction: intro. 2.With: w/ 12. Information: info. 3.Without: w/o 13. Department: dept. 4.Number: # 14. Advantage: adv. 5.Therefore: th4 15. Organization: org. 6.And: + 16. Maximum: max. 7.And so forth: etc. 17. Individual: ind. 8.For example: e.g. 18. Compare: cf. 9.Against: vs. 19. Association: assoc. 10.Government: gov’t 20. Politics: pol.

17 Help Yourself Succeed 1.Focus on completing homework. 2.Keep your notes neat and clear. Highlight or underline important information. 3.Keep your school materials organized together. 4.Use your time efficiently. If you get stuck on an assignment, put it aside and come back to it later. 5.Always look ahead. If you get done early, do a little extra. 6.Do research wisely. Use internet sources cautiously! 7.Use technology. Computer programs like Word, PowerPoint, etc. can make life easier if you learn how to use them. 8.Find your way. You will have to find what works best for you when studying and completing assignments. 9.Prioritize what you have to get done. School must come before fun! 10.Communicate with teachers. If something is unclear, ask for help.

18 What did you learn? 1.What is one effective study habit? 2.What are two things that will help you be more successful in school? Discuss the following questions with a partner:

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