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Action Research Proposal By: B’Nekia Curtis EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Action Research Proposal By: B’Nekia Curtis EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Research Proposal By: B’Nekia Curtis EDU671: Fundamentals of Educational Research Instructor: Newton Miller

2 Area of Focus  Time spent will affect performance!!

3 Were you a math scholar? (Explanation)

4 There needs to be some change! (Research Questions)  Will decreasing recreational time help?  Will increasing study time help?  Will the participant regress?  Will there be an overload?  What exactly can I do to help?

5 Variables  Time spent studying  Time spent playing  Environment  Teacher’s expectations  Student involvement

6 Research shows  Subconscious  Teacher  Environment  Work alone

7 Add and Subtract (Locus of Control)  Study time  Recreational time

8 Intervention/Innovation  Baseline  Evaluate environments  Talk to teachers/Youth Program Assistants  Formative Assessments  Follow-ups  Data Collection

9 Data Collection  Homework  Quizzes  Teacher conferences  Report cards  Tracking study time  Tracking play time

10 Potential Obstacles  No accountability  Youth Program Assistants  Potential Overload

11 How do we handle ethical challenges?  Communication!  Clear plan of action  Signed consent

12 Consider…  Validity of the variable change  Reliability of the teachers and youth program assistants  Unbias  Data analysis/interpretation  Homework  Quizzes  Teacher notes

13 What’s needed?  Cooperation  Books  Practice Worksheets  Schedules  Active Participation  Calculators  Time

14 Action Plan  Three week process  Discussing w/ Youth Program assistants  Pretest  Monitoring Variables  Collecting data  Was there a change?

15 Research Questions Data Collection Tool Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match to what you are attempting to find and to measure? 1. What is the impact of repetition in learning multiplication tables? 1 Pre Survey 2 Homework 3 Teacher comments Pre survey gives a starting point or foundation as to where she is at the current moment. The research question implemented should show changes in homework and teacher comments on how she’s doing. 2. What is the association between time spent studying and test grades? PretestPost TestReport Card The variable of time spent studying should have an effect on test grades and overall grades on report cards. 3. Does less recreation aids or harms school performance? PretestPost testReport CardGauging recreation vs time spent studying should show a change in her grades.

16 References  Aikens, C. S. (2013). Leading by Example: Creating Motivation That Fosters Positive Change in Young People. Online Submission,  Marks, M. B., & O'Connor, A. H. (2013). Understanding Students' Attitudes about Group Work: What Does This Suggest for Instructors of Business?. Journal Of Education For Business, 88(3), 147-158  Kostanecki, M. (2013, January 26). 4 scientific reasons why your PowerPoint presentation sucks (and the 2 tips you need to fix it) [Video file]. Retrieved from scientific reasons why your PowerPoint presentation sucks (and the 2 tips you need to fix it)

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