Visit NE Syrtis Major! Win Valuable Martian Geological History! Ralph P. Harvey Case Western Reserve University Planetary Time Share Specialist Ralph P.

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Presentation on theme: "Visit NE Syrtis Major! Win Valuable Martian Geological History! Ralph P. Harvey Case Western Reserve University Planetary Time Share Specialist Ralph P."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visit NE Syrtis Major! Win Valuable Martian Geological History! Ralph P. Harvey Case Western Reserve University Planetary Time Share Specialist Ralph P. Harvey Case Western Reserve University Planetary Time Share Specialist

2 Geologically speaking, the ideal site includes: A “walkable” cross-section of Martian history including periods of assumed high habitability. Recognizable global stratigraphic markers. Both “Stay Home” and “Go To” For safe operations, the ideal site includes: Low dust (low albedo?) and high TI. Flat on the relevant scales (km to cm). Low altitude and near equatorial to help Skycrane. No ice or water in case Skycrane needed help.

3 Syrtis Major

4 20 km

5 Physical properties After Heisinger and Head (2004)

6 A A A'A' A'A' From Kiefer (2004)

7 From Bibring et al., 2005

8 After Mustard et al. (LPSC 36, 2005), Hamilton et al., (2003) and Hoefen et al., (2003)

9 Interpretation: Syrtis Major is a differentiated ultramafic volcanic complex- basaltic (gabbroic) or even more felsic units overlying abundant pyroxene- and olivine- rich lithologies (e.g, Skaergaard, Bushveld, Theo's Flow, etc.). *Give me an hour, I’ll convince Phil C. Why care?: It’s in good global context and it’s border with Mg- rich opx and olivine-bearing, layered rocks in Nili Fossae defines global environmental change. But Wait, There’s More.....

10 The Nili Fossae Noachian Section -Higher up, numerous conformable strata, most NOT dust covered but high Albedo. -low crater density supports the highly degraded “look” of the land. -Beautifully exposed ancient fluvial channels Interpretation: -An ancient fluvial environment with significant (but varying) degrees of denudation. The Nili Fossae Noachian Section -Higher up, numerous conformable strata, most NOT dust covered but high Albedo. -low crater density supports the highly degraded “look” of the land. -Beautifully exposed ancient fluvial channels Interpretation: -An ancient fluvial environment with significant (but varying) degrees of denudation.

11 The John Grant Slide ™ Lat/Long Alt. NameGo To?Potential IssuesScience objective 16.359° N, 77.383° E -2807 m NE Syrtis Major 1Mostly No MOC coverage for most of ellipse; quickest access to Nili section Hesperian / Noachian section 16.085° N, 76.742° E -2185 m NE Syrtis Major 2Ditto No MOC coverage for most of ellipse Ditto 16.265° N, 77.984° E -3181 m NE Syrtis Major 3Ditto Ditto, with best Syrtis exposures (rougher) and “thermals” Ditto 17.086° N, 75.391° E -1095 m NE Syrtis Major 4Ditto“cliffy”? Nice Nili drainages.Ditto 18.376° N 77.663° E -2662 m Nili Fossae CraterNot Big trap, for sediment and rovers both. deltas

12 12 3 4 NFC





17 M02-01453




21 E11-02526





26 R10-05024


28 Nili Fossae Crater


30 The bonus- a possible absolute age? The Nakhlites FACT: Nakhlites unique among martian meteorites; CPX cumulates with "disequilibrium" Fa-rich (25-35% Fo) olivine. FACT: Seven specimens, all identical in crystallization age (1.3 ba) and ejection age (11 ma). Both shared with Fo-rich Chassignites. The Nakhlites FACT: Nakhlites unique among martian meteorites; CPX cumulates with "disequilibrium" Fa-rich (25-35% Fo) olivine. FACT: Seven specimens, all identical in crystallization age (1.3 ba) and ejection age (11 ma). Both shared with Fo-rich Chassignites.

31 Northeast Syrtis Major Got it All. Well-exposed stratigraphy (history), including: Conservatively fits MSL goals and guidelines. -Hesperian volcanics, with hints of fluvial overprints. -The Hesperian / Noachian boundary. -layered Noachian terrain with high habitability potential -Can walk the section Downhill -”Safe” flat, equatorial, low altitude, low dust landing site. -Good rover access to all stratigraphic levels. -The full range of materials MSL can exploit explore, most low albedo / low TI. -no ice or water now. ADDED BONUS: A potential absolute age tie.

32 The John Grant Slide ™ THANK YOU --To the organizers of the workshop for making it accessible to “outsiders”. --To the data providers, making outstanding image products available, and easier to access every day. THANK YOU --To the organizers of the workshop for making it accessible to “outsiders”. --To the data providers, making outstanding image products available, and easier to access every day. Lat/Long Alt. NameGo To?Potential IssuesScience objective 16.359° N, 77.383° E -2807 m NE Syrtis Major 1Mostly No MOC coverage for most of ellipse; quickest access to Nili section Hesperian / Noachian section 16.085° N, 76.742° E -2185 m NE Syrtis Major 2Ditto No MOC coverage for most of ellipse Ditto 16.265° N, 77.984° E -3181 m NE Syrtis Major 3Ditto Ditto, with best Syrtis exposures (rougher) and “thermals” Ditto 17.086° N, 75.391° E -1095 m NE Syrtis Major 4Ditto“cliffy”? Nice Nili drainages.Ditto 18.376° N 77.663° E -2662 m Nili Fossae CraterNot Big trap, for sediment and rovers both. deltas

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