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Daily Questions What are the three major igneous intrusions or plutons? Continental crust is lighter and contains more of this element, where Oceanic crust.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Questions What are the three major igneous intrusions or plutons? Continental crust is lighter and contains more of this element, where Oceanic crust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Questions What are the three major igneous intrusions or plutons? Continental crust is lighter and contains more of this element, where Oceanic crust forms from the mantle and contains these two elements. The ring of fire surrounds this largest of the tectonic plates.

2 Daily Plans for the week of Nov. 29th-Monday Turn in Volcano homework Watch “Dissecting volcanoes” Answer accompanying questions Complete Volcano activity

3 Memories…. Interims go in tomorrow Get the summative complete if you haven’t Schedule a make-up or retake on the earthquake test as soon as possible Moodle-Volcano opens This Friday and closes December 14th

4 Daily Questions Besides lava, what are three more dangers that volcanoes pose? Where do most volcanoes occur? Why are volcanoes born of continental crust more explosive than those of oceanic crust?

5 Daily Plans-week of Nov. 29th- Tuesday 2nd Part- ”Living with Lava”-Video with questions. Volcano pictures-Mt. St. Helens Volcano guided by notes-Trial Printout- take the supplemental notes.

6 Daily Questions What is a “hot spot” volcano? Why does it form island chains? What is the difference between magma and lava? Name four major volcanoes that exist around the world.

7 Daily Plans for the week of Nov. 29th-Wed, Guided by volcano notes- supplement the given notes-Chalkboard. Volcano extra credit

8 Daily Questions What is the definition of a volcano that we are going to use? What is the scientific name for the upper mantle/lower crust? Discuss the importance of the following volcanoes- Paracutin, Vesuvius, Olympus Mons. Give an example of each of the three major types of volcanoes.

9 Daily Plans Quick Quiz-formative assesment-8 min Finish any notes left over from yesterday Volcanic worksheet-homework?

10 Daily Questions What are the five major plutons? Which type of crust would you find a basalt plateau on? I have lava that is dark, ropy and very high in iron. What type of formational and compositional lava is this? What type of magma did it originate from? What type of volcano did it most likely originate from?

11 Daily Plans for the week of Nov. 29th-Friday Get your stuff together day, catch-up, finish tests, get notes, complete homework assignments-get it together. Homework-Subtopic B-Volcanoes-Due Tuesday BE SMART work on this if you have everything else done.

12 Subtopic B-Volcanoes Turn in last sheet attached to a notebook sheet with the vocabulary and short answer section DO NOT WRITE VOCAB AND SHORT ANSWERS ON THE MULTIPLE CHOICE SHEET.

13 Stuff you might want to work on today. “Dissecting volcanoes” and “Living with Lava” video notes Volcanism is not Vulcanism” class notes Volcano Formative assessment answers Getting down missed daily questions and answers Retaking or first taking the earthquake test. Taking the summative evaluation Discussing your grade at the computer, Getting anything missing in.

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