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E-books in the Catalog: Managing MARC Records in Batches Bonnie Figgatt Sacred Heart University Library April 15 & 16, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "E-books in the Catalog: Managing MARC Records in Batches Bonnie Figgatt Sacred Heart University Library April 15 & 16, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-books in the Catalog: Managing MARC Records in Batches Bonnie Figgatt Sacred Heart University Library April 15 & 16, 2011

2 Agenda: E-books at Sacred Heart University Library Vendor overview Managing MARC record updates Customizing MARC records

3 E-books in the Sacred Heart University Library’s collection 208,000 titles in the catalog  120,000 are print resources  88,000 are electronic resources 26% of our titles are e-books

4 E-books at SHU E-books since 2007 Catalog has been SHU’s primary discovery and access point for our e-books

5 E-books at SHU Some purchases: packages or individual titles Some freely available e-books, individually cataloged Mostly via subscription with batch loads of vendor-supplied MARC records Mostly via subscription with batch loads of vendor-supplied MARC records

6 E-book MARC records Print and electronic versions on different records E-books from different vendors on different records 856|z identifies it as a e-book for users – no item record

7 E-book record

8 Vendor overview ebrary ACLS Credo Reference

9 ebrary Initial load in 2007 of ebrary Academic Complete (subscription) c.32,000 records  c.52,000 records Some customization done by ebrary: ebr added to 001 proxy info added to 856|u

10 ACLS Humanities E-book From American Council of Learned Societies Initial load of c.1400 MARC records in 2007 (subscription) Annual update of new titles (c.500/year) We do all customization

11 Credo Reference Subscribed 2010 – loaded MARC records for c.500 reference titles MARC records available from vendor site monthly We do all customization

12 Managing updates ebrary Monthly ebrary update includes: New records Deletes Credo Reference Monthly Credo Reference update includes: New records New editions (deletes needed) ACLS Annual ACLS update includes: New records

13 Managing updates MARC records retrieved from vendor’s site, through MarcEdit* *MarcEdit is a free utility from Terry Reese at Oregon State University, available at: download download Load to Millennium via Data Exchange

14 Download through MarcEdit

15 Managing updates Customizing in MarcEdit: ◦Edit subfield: change message in 856|z ◦Add field: 590 E-book (Credo Reference) ◦Add field: 506 Available only to authorized Sacred Heart University users

16 Millennium Data Exchange

17 Customizing Records in Millennium Examples: Deleting records Enhancing info in 856|z: Single-user restriction Format (map)

18 Deleting records

19 Create Lists In Create Lists, choose an empty list Click on “Copy” at the top, find your file, and copy it in Delete Records Open Delete Records on the left Open your review file in it and delete

20 Enhancing 856|z: single-user restriction In 2010, also began purchasing e-books from ebrary Single user (SUPO) Multiple user (MUPO) Add field: 590 E-book (ebrary purchase)

21 Single-user restriction

22 Adding ‘one user at a time’

23 Enhancing 856|z: format.

24 Calling a map a book

25 Create list for ebrary map records

26 Changing ‘book’ to ‘map’ in 856

27 Calling a map a map

28 Thank you!

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