www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk or call 01473 718193 to find out more Accessing the Suffolk services....

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2 www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk or call 01473 718193 to find out more Accessing the Suffolk services....


4 65.3% of Suffolk Adults are carrying excess weight Number overweightNumber obeseNumber with excess weight Suffolk 263,100131,900395,000

5 OverweightObeseTotal Suffolk Reception Age13.0%8.0% 21% Suffolk Year 615.1%16.8% 31.9% England Reception Age12.8%9.1%21.9% England Year 614.2%19.1%33.3%

6 Only 33.5% of Suffolk adults have completed at least 4 sessions of moderate intensity PA for at least 30 in the last 28 days

7 20.2% of Suffolk adults are smokers

8 Referrals Forms available from www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk then email to onelifesuffolk.nhs.net

9 Smokers who want to quit or cut down

10 Adults who want to lose weight with BMI 30 + or 27.5 + with Type 2 diabetes, Hypertension, Cardio Vascular Disease, Osteoarthritis, Dyslipidaemia or Sleep Apnoea

11 Aged 2 – 18 years old With a BMI above the 91 st centile on the growth charts

12 Physical Activity Intervention for Inactive Adults with long term conditions Inactive adults with a long term condition** Patients following exit from rehabilitation services Those with a physical disability and/or one of the following:- a) With established cardio vascular disease who are stable including atrial fibrillation, hypertension, stroke and transient ischaemic attacked g) With mental health condition b) Who are diabetich) With depression c) With respiratory disease; including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease i) Who have dementia d) Who have chronic kidney diseasej) With epilepsy e) With cancer or treated for cancerk) Who have MS or MND f) With musculoskeletal condition, including arthritis and fibromyalgia l) Any other long term condition that would benefit from regular PA ** Inactivity is classed as completing less than 30 equivalent minutes of at least moderate intensity PA per week in bouts of 10 minutes or more in the previous 28 days.

13 Signposting for anyone NOT classed as INACTIVE on the GPAQ questionnaire

14 Anyone who wants to join a walk 0 – 90 minutes long Free and no need to book. All the walk details can be found at www.onelifesuffolk.co.uk.

15 Outreach Health Checks at Events, Work Places and in our target areas

16 Making Every Contact Count (MECC) New, updated and available to your teams


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