WHAT IS DIFFERENT?  Levels 3-6 throughout the Junior School have gone apart from children in Year 6 from September 2014.  Year 6 parents will have levels.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS DIFFERENT?  Levels 3-6 throughout the Junior School have gone apart from children in Year 6 from September 2014.  Year 6 parents will have levels."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS DIFFERENT?  Levels 3-6 throughout the Junior School have gone apart from children in Year 6 from September 2014.  Year 6 parents will have levels i.e. 3-6 this year only.

2 HOW WILL WE DO IT?  At the start of each year, all pupils will start that year groups curriculum at the same time.  Each year group is broken down into 5 judgements.  Each of these is a ‘Standard Grade’ with a description attached  Below National Standard  Working Towards National Standard  National Standard  Above National Standard  Mastery

3 WHAT DO THE STANDARD GRADES MEAN?  Below National Standard means: to learn (little understanding) 0-20% of end of year objectives met  Working Towards National Standard means: to improve (some understanding) 21-59% of end of year objectives met  National Standard means: to know (good understanding) 60-80% of end of year objectives met  Working above National Standard means: to apply (explains understanding) 81-90% of end of year objectives met  Mastery means: to explain (applies & demonstrates, debates & reasons) 91-100% of end of year objectives met

4 TEACHING AND CURRICULUM  National Primary Curriculum has changed (September 2014).  Year group objectives have changed dramatically – goalposts have been moved and expected standards are much higher.  Yearly overviews of objectives will be listed on the school website.  All year groups send curriculum information home every half term (Curriculum Leaflets).  Therefore teaching styles have altered in order to reflect curriculum and assessment expectations.

5 MASTERY  All pupils are exposed to the same content at the same pace; expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards.  Rapid support and intervention is provided through day to day assessments.  Emphasis is on deep conceptual and procedural knowledge.  Practice and consolidation play a central role; variation of content to provide ‘intelligent practice with rich and sophisticated problems’. (OFSTED)  Pupils master a skill before moving on, this opens space in their working memory to allow acquisition of a new skill.  Aim – master all the basic skills and apply them independently and automatically. Pupils who have mastered their current year group curriculum will access the basic skills of the following year group and apply these skills in their learning.  CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING IS AT THE HEART OF MASTERY.

6 EXPECTED PROGRESS  The DfE expect 85% of every year group to be secure in 60- 80% of that years objectives.  DfE predicts 6% of the year group to be at Mastery grade.  DfE predict 9% of every year group to be below year group expectation at the end of the year.  Pupils previously deemed as ‘above average’ in terms of levels will now be likely to ‘meet’ end of year expectations. The benchmark has moved and expectations are much higher for each year group.  If your child is judged to be working at National Standard at the end of the year, we would expect them to be at least National Standard the following year and so on.

7 PROGRESS REPORTS TO PARENTS  Parents will receive information about their child’s progress throughout the year: Autumn 1 (Term 1) Autumn 2 (Term 2) Spring 1 (Term 3) Spring 2 (Term 4) Summer 1 (Term 5) Summer 2 (Term 6) Class teacher All classes Meet the teacher/ Information meeting Parents Consultation Evening (book look and targets). SATS Meeting (Year 6) Parents Consultation Evening (book look and targets) End of year written report to parents. Website and home Curriculum information leaflet Curriculum information leaflet Classroom Come and See Book look Come and See Book look Come and See Book look Hall Class Assembly 2.45 pm Home Target Setting information Target Setting information Target Setting information HallMacMillan Coffee morning Remembrance Day Christmas Performance. Year 6 End of school production Leavers Service

8 THE END OF YEAR REPORT HAS CHANGED TO INCLUDE STANDARD GRADES NOT LEVELS. EffortGoodAcceptable Unacceptable Poor AchievementExceededMetBelowWell below. Teacher Comment Next StepsHow you can help at home. READING

9 THE END OF YEAR REPORT HAS CHANGED TO INCLUDE STANDARD GRADES NOT LEVELS. Science History Geography PE Music RE Art MFL ATTENDANCE. Good (95% +) Poor attendance – which may have an impact on learning (90-94%) Unsatisfactory attendance – which has a high impact on learning (less than 90%) ATTENDANCE – NEXT STEPS.

10 THE END OF YEAR REPORT HAS CHANGED TO INCLUDE STANDARD GRADES NOT LEVELS.  Behaviour and other teacher comments.  Headteacher comments  Parent comments.

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