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Lets recharge our Eman to be our best this Ramadan!

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1 Lets recharge our Eman to be our best this Ramadan!



4 Abu Hurairah (ra) transmits that the Messenger of Allah (saw) stated: ‘ Whoever, with faith and intention to earn the reward, worshipped in Ramadan, all his previous sins are forgiven.’ ( Bukhari ) V IRTUE OF T ARAVEEH

5 Qiyam al-layl: Spending the night, or part of it, in prayer, reading Qur’an, remembering Allah (dhikr) and other acts of worship. Tahajud: Specifically praying at night, and some scholars limited it to prayers that are offered at night after sleeping. Taraweeh: Refers to qiyam al-layl in Ramadan at the beginning of the night, which should be made light and not lengthy. Q iyam al-layl is more general than tahajud, because it includes prayer and other actions, and it includes prayer before and after sleeping. Q IYYAM A L L AYL... T AHAJUD …T ARAVEEH

6 Abu Salamah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahmaan, who asked ‘Aa’isha (ra), “How did the Messenger of Allah (saw) pray during Ramadan?” She said: “He did not pray more than eleven rak’ahs in Ramadan or at other times. He would pray four, and do not ask how beautiful and long they were, then he would pray four, and do not ask how beautiful and long they were, then he would pray three. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, will you sleep before you pray Witr?’ He said, ‘O ‘Aa’ishah, my eyes sleep but my heart does not.’” ( Bukhaari ) T ARAVEEH OF P ROPHET ( SAW )

7 ‘Aa’isha (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) prayed one night in the mosque, and the people followed him in prayer. Then he prayed the next night, and many people came. Then they gathered on the third or fourth night, and the Messenger of Allah (saw) did not come out to them. The next morning he said: “I saw what you did, and nothing kept me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” And that was in Ramadan. ( Bukhari ) E ASE FOR US

8 The Prophet (saw) said: “Prayers at night are to be offered two by two (two rak’ahs at a time). If any of you fears that the time of dawn is approaching then let him pray one rak’ah as Witr.” ( Bukhaari ) N AFFAL I BADAH HAS NO LIMIT

9 All of them said something more than eleven rak’ahs. Reasons as following: 1.They thought that the hadeeth of ‘Aa’ishah did not mean that this was the specific number. 2. A greater number was narrated from many of the salaf. 3.The Prophet (saw) used to pray eleven rak’ahs and make them very lengthy, so much so that it used to take him most of the night. The Sahaabah (ra) loved to pray behind the Prophet (saw) and they did not feel that it was too long. VIEWS OF THE FOUR IMAMS

10 If a person prays Taraaweeh according to the madhhabs of Abu Haneefah, al-Shaafa’i and Ahmad, with twenty rak’ahs, or according to the madhhab of Maalik, with thirty-six rak’ahs, or with thirteen or eleven rak’ahs, he has done well, as Imam Ahmad said, because there is nothing to specify the number. So the greater or lesser number of rak’ahs depends on how long or short the qiyaam (standing in the prayer) is. I BN T AYMIYAH STATEMENT

11 Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Whoever stands with the imam until he finishes (the prayer), the reward of qiyaam al-layl will be recorded for him.” ( Tirmidhi ) No specific number 8 rakaat: Long qayaam 20 rakaat: Short qayaam 20 VS 8 R AKAT

12 Reading alone or in congregation Holding mus’haf while in namaz Witr after all naffal salah for that night done Concept of Sha’bina????? S OME ASPECTS ON T ARAVEEH



15 The Messenger of Allah (saw) is reported to have said: “Whoever, with faith and intention to earn the reward, worshipped in the Night of Qadr, all his previous sins are forgiven.” ( Bukhari and Muslim ) M EANS OF FORGIVENESS OF PAST SINS

16 Aisha (ra) narrates that Allah’s Messenger (saw) stated: ‘Search for Lailah tul Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan.’ ( Bukhari ) S EARCHING FOR THE N IGHT

17 Aisha (ra) related: I asked Allah’s Messenger (saw), ‘O Allah’s Messenger (saw)! What supplication should I recite if I find Lailah tul Qadr? Allah’s Messenger (saw) stated: اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي Allahumma innaka ‘affuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni’ ‘ O Allah You are The One Who forgives greatly, and loves to forgive, so forgive me. [ Tirmidhi ] D UA FOR L AILATUL Q ADR ( THE N IGHT OF P OWER )

18 Aisha (ra) relates that when the last ten days of Ramadan commenced, Allah’s Messenger (saw) prepared himself for worship. He used to be awake in the night (for worship) and also woke up his household.’ ( Bukhari ) I NSPIRING WHOLE FAMILY


20 Requires mental strength as well as physical fitness R UNNING A MARATHON …..


22 Start out slow: Save energy Don’t be worried: Lot of people, Remember hare and tortoise Don’t get emotional: Conserve mental energy for rest of marathon F IRST 10 MILES :

23 Break up marathon: Small goals Stay mentally tough: Don’t give in to periods of self-doubt and discomfort Think: How hard you worked and how rewarding to complete Beat Boredom M ILES 11-20

24 Think outside the body: There is body fatigue Focus on outside: Spectators, signs, scenery Talk to yourself: Dig down deep for extra strength. Remind yourself what you have sacrificed to get to this point. M ILES 21-26

25 R AMADAN M ARATHON Day: 1-10 Adjustment Steady pace of Ibadah Day: 11-20 Focus on smaller goals Variety in Ibadah Day: 21- 30 Use mental energy Dig for extra strength


27 Sunnah I,tikaaf is for ten days Start after dawn prayer. Family can meet. Stay in masjid. Do not visit sick, funeral or any entertainment Women can also observe it. Can observe short duration too but wont be masnoon V IRTUES DEED OF LAST 10 DAYS

28 Strong bonding with Allah 10 days= 50 salah= proper time Increased chances of getting Night of power Listening to more Quran in Taraveeh More stamina for Qiyam ul Layal Loads of Dhikar Away from Bad company Study Quran tafseer, seerah etc Company of pious people B ENEFITS OF I, TIKAAF


30 Purpose: Purify sins which are committed in state of fasting Should be distributed before Eid prayer People entitled to Zakat get it Quantity is one Saa = Two and half kg or2-3 quarts of seer Obligatory on every Muslim: free/slave, man/woman, minor/major. Head of family to give it. O BLIGATORY C HARITY


32 Dress up Eat something sweet before proceeding for Eid namaz Perform Namaz in Eid Gagh Go from one route and come from other Recite Takbeerat on way Family and friend time T IME TO C ELEBRATE


34 Fasting for six days in Shawwal (every year) is equivalent to fasting for the entire life ( Abu Dawood ) S OMETHING TO WATCH FOR REST OF YEAR Carrying Taqwa along with Quran and good company

35 A MEEN !!!!

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