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NESG Site Ambassador Mike Bennett Inder Monga Summer ESCC, July 2013 Berkeley, CA.

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Presentation on theme: "NESG Site Ambassador Mike Bennett Inder Monga Summer ESCC, July 2013 Berkeley, CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 NESG Site Ambassador Mike Bennett Inder Monga Summer ESCC, July 2013 Berkeley, CA

2 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Historical interaction between ESnet Engineering and Sites NESG Jim and Joe Joint Techs/ESCC discussions Personal or ad-hoc calls/emails ESnet Sites Everyone in NESG was able to react to any site question - Combination of good documentation, email search and long historical knowledge…as well as lower rate of change

3 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science ESnet5 Transformation ESnet4  ESnet5 transition was during “changing of the guard” Jim and JoeB. Retired Mike Bennett was recently hired Site and network architecture changed, dark fiber etc…. That led to the realization (with some healthy feedback) Lack of information going to the site coordinators Assumption that ESCC presentations and site meetings were conveying enough bi-directional information not accurate Site coordinators were not reaching out (through routing or personal emails) to solicit information And whether that was a good model anyway? Brainstorming led to ….

4 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science NESG Site Ambassadors concept One NESG Engineer assigned to a site Responsibilities Understand Have understanding of the site’s border architecture, requirements and network interface to the site Periodic check-ins with the site coordinators at the discretion of both parties. Champion Raise awareness of issues and site requirements in internal discussions Shepherd Pursue issues till resolved, gather more information from the site if needed Does NOT mean each site issue will be assigned to the ambassador Watching out for site issues, and being a resource to the person that is assigned the task is the main responsibility Assist Interface with Science Engagement team to deal with performance issues or interact with requirements to understand site capacity requirements Works closely with the O&D Site Ambassador

5 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Discussion Feedback Engagement still ramping up, any early feedback? Should the meetings with the Site Ambassador be periodic or ad-hoc? Push or pull? Face to face or video/phone? Would you rather wait till ESCC or some conference to meet? Organized on-site meetings? (travel expenses have to be managed) Would you prefer the NESG engineer visit your site? Or site coordinators travel to Berkeley for 1:1 meetings when needed?

6 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Mike O'Connor Brookhaven National Laboratory Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science MIT Plasma Science & Fusion Center East Tennessee Technology Park Y-12National Security ComplexY12 Vangelis Chaniotakis Sandia National Laboratory Albuquerque Los Alamos National Laboratory DOE-ALBQ (Sandia) (NNSA) Pantex Plant NGA Southwest KCP Albuquerque Lawrence Livermore National Lab DC Office Chris Tracy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Lab DOE Forrestal DOE Germantown DOE NNSA Savannah River Site DOE Office of Environmental Management at Savannah River Patrick Dorn Argonne National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge Associated Universities Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Current Site Ambassadors (1 of 3)

7 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Joe Metzger Fermilab Kansas City Plant Ames Laboratory Los Alamos National Lab DC Field Office DOE IN Rocky Mountain Site Sanford NWU UIOWA U Chicago Michael Sinatra National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Naval Postgraduate School NNSA Information Assurance Response Center General Atomics NSTec National Securities Technology NGA Nevada Intelligence Center (DOE-IN NVIC) Sandia National Laboratory - New Mexico NGA (SNL-NM NGA) NGA White Sands (NGA WS) Current Site Ambassadors (2 of 3)

8 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Chin Guok Pacific Northwest National Laboratory LIGO Hanford Washington Observatory Joint Genome Institute Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Yvonne Hines Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratory Livermore Idaho National Laboratory Office of Scientific and Technical Information National Renewable Energy Laboratory Current Site Ambassadors (3 of 3)

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