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HITLER AND ANTI SEMITISM 1933-1939. Major points Hitler was a committed racist as stated in Mein Kampf Jews were used as scapegoats and did not belong.

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Presentation on theme: "HITLER AND ANTI SEMITISM 1933-1939. Major points Hitler was a committed racist as stated in Mein Kampf Jews were used as scapegoats and did not belong."— Presentation transcript:


2 Major points Hitler was a committed racist as stated in Mein Kampf Jews were used as scapegoats and did not belong in the new Reich Many Germans were happy to go along with this. The persecution of the Jews was mild at first then it built up.

3 VERY IMPORTANT This does not mean Auschwitz. Mass murder did not start until the invasion of Poland and the Holocaust was only dreamt up at the Wannsee conference in 1942 Things were bad and getting worse but not that bad. Do not write about it in the exam. The period studied ends in 1939

4 JEWS IN GERMANY Only 1% of the population was Jewish. More in certain sectors – doctors 10% lawyers 16% and banking 17%. There were many poor Jews Generally integrated – no recent History of anti Semitism.

5 Why blame the Jews The defeat in WW1. (The November Criminals) The racial struggle between Jews and Aryans. Ruthless capitalists causing unemployment and threatening German women. Communism. (Karl Marx was a Jew) General scapegoats – reinforcing German unity by excluding them. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Hitler’s early failure in life.

6 THE PURPOSE Early violence provoked complaints from Germans and from abroad. So Hitler embarked on a gradual campaign to dehumanise Jews, deprive them of their rights and encourage Germans to see them as lower forms of life.





11 Early efforts 1933-5 Some violence Boycott of shops – didn’t work. Sacked from civil service law and universities Anti Jewish graffiti Racism in schools Der Sturmer – racist newspaper by Julius Streicher



14 THE NUREMBURG LAWS SEPT 1935 a. Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour. No marriage or sex between Germans and Jews. b. Reich Citizenship Law Jews were no longer German citizens. Couldn’t vote and had no civil rights.


16 THE WORSENING SITUATION AFTER 1938 All Jews had to add Sarah or Israel to their names Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) 7 November 1938. Destruction and 25000 Jews sent to concentration camps Jewish newspapers libraries and papers closed. No public meetings. 15 Nov 1938 all Jewish children were expelled from state schools




20 THE SOLUTION 240,000 fled abroad Hitler was happy to let them go. Most stayed put hoping it would blow over


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