Welcome to Ancient Egypt (Congratulations! You become Pharoah today!!)

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1 Welcome to Ancient Egypt (Congratulations! You become Pharoah today!!)


3 Introduction: Today is the day that you become Pharaoh, ruler of Ancient Egypt! Because you have such a large job ahead of you, you will need to do a little bit of research to understand your role.

4 PROCESS Go through the WebQuest Go through the WebQuest Click on each link Click on each link Read each of the websites in order to answer the questions on the slide Read each of the websites in order to answer the questions on the slide Answer the questions on your piece of paper Answer the questions on your piece of paper Review your project rubric Review your project rubric Decide which project to construct Decide which project to construct Construct your project Construct your project Double check that your project meets all of the requirements Double check that your project meets all of the requirements Turn your project in Turn your project in Get a GREAT grade! Get a GREAT grade!

5 Task  Research the following:  5 Themes of Geography  Location Location  Movement Movement  Place Place  Interaction Interaction  Region Region  Create a project that supports your research project

6 RELATIVE LOCATION 1.What is relative location? relative locationrelative location 2.What is the relative location of Ancient Egypt? http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/geography/h ome.html http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/geography/h ome.html http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/en vironment/index.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/en vironment/index.htm

7 ABSOLUTE LOCATION 3.What is absolute location? absolute locationabsolute location 4.What is the absolute location of Ancient Egypt? http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m

8 Movement & Spatial Interaction 5.How do your people move around and interact? List at least FOUR major people to people interactions. move http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/trade/home. html http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/trade/home. html

9 Physical Place 6.What is physical place? physical placephysical place 7.How does physical place apply to Ancient Egypt? http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m

10 Human Place 8.What are some of the important details about where your countrymen live and work? What might influence them to live in the areas in which they do? live http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/ec onomy/farming.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/ec onomy/farming.htm

11 Human/Environment Interaction Interaction 9.How do the Ancient Egyptians treat their environment? 10. Do you think their religion plays an important role in how they treated their environment? Explain your answer. http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/gods/explor e/main.html http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/gods/explor e/main.html

12 Region Characteristics 11.What are THREE major characteristics of your countryside? 12. What is the benefit of being a leader here as opposed to somewhere else in the desert? http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/ec onomy/farming.htm http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/ec onomy/farming.htm

13 Project Details: Choose one of the following Collage Poster Mobile Report 3-D Model Narrative Story Interview with a Historical Figure Comic Strip Short Film Flow Chart Other projects MAY be approved, but are at the discretion of the teacher.

14 EVALUATION : You will be graded on the following:  Participation 5 points per day: 5 points per day: Coming preparedComing prepared Being redirected less than 3 timesBeing redirected less than 3 times Working diligentlyWorking diligently Using neatest handwritingUsing neatest handwriting Getting the teacher’s attention appropriately (RAISE YOUR HAND)Getting the teacher’s attention appropriately (RAISE YOUR HAND)  Notebook Check Complete using ONLY the websites posted in this WebQuest Use your best handwriting  Project Rubric Follow the guidelines Complete project by due date

15 CONCLUSION Now that you’ve researched your people, are you ready to lead? Now that you’ve researched your people, are you ready to lead? *What interesting facts have you learned? *What interesting facts have you learned?

16 TEACHER’S PAGE  Introduction Introduction  Learners: This is designed for 7th Grade Geography Students  Standards Standards  Process Process  Resources Resources  Evaluation Evaluation  Conclusion Conclusion  Credits Credits

17 Resources for Teachers  http://www.nesd.k12.pa.us/related_sites/ gingerich/ http://www.nesd.k12.pa.us/related_sites/ gingerich/ Explains the 5 Themes of Geography  http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m http://www.east- buc.k12.ia.us/02_03/Cul/Egypt/egypt.ht m Explains Key Cultural Points of Interest  http://www.thepgs.org/pga/standards.ht m http://www.thepgs.org/pga/standards.ht m Gives the PA state standards for Geography  http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/ http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/ Excellent site with great graphics

18 Credits Zach C.--Thank you for all of your help with making the hyperlinks work To the creators of the websites used within: Thank you for your hard work and effort

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