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The Three Branches. Remember – Most bills die and never become law – What stage is the current health care bill in now?

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Presentation on theme: "The Three Branches. Remember – Most bills die and never become law – What stage is the current health care bill in now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Branches


3 Remember – Most bills die and never become law – What stage is the current health care bill in now?


5 Role of the President Today 1.Chief of State – ceremonial head 2.Chief Executive – carries out laws 3.Chief Administrator – director of Federal Agencies 4.Chief Diplomat – directs foreign policy 5.Commander in Chief – directs military 6.Chief Legislator – directs public policy 7.Chief of Party – leader of the political party 8.Chief Citizen – representative of the people, interests Where do you see these roles in the past issues of the first presidents we have just discussed?

6 How has the Presidency changed over time? 1.12 th Amendment – separate ballot for President and VP – Election of 1800 2.20 th Amendment – Inauguration moved to January 3.22 nd Amendment – Presidential Term Limitation – 2 terms or 10 years - FDR 4.25 th Amendment – Removal of President and secession of VP (VP can’t be fired) – Wilson, Ford 5.Presidential Secession Act – list order for president – see p 359 Gov’t

7 Pay? 1789 25,000 1901 – TR remodels the White House? Today 400,000 + 50,000 expenses White House Offices Camp David Security Health/Dental Care Transportation Cooks Staff Pay can’t be changed during a current term

8 The Supreme Court Today




12 US Supreme Court today - 2009,8599,1927760,00.html 5 Supreme court cases to watch this year,8599,1927760,00.html Sonya Sotomayer John Roberts Chief Justice Samuel Alito Anthony Kennedy Elena Kagan Antonin Scalia Clarence Thomas Ruth Ginsburg Stephen Brayer

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