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By R.B. Theime, Jr. – 1972 Edited by Stephen E. LaFleur, ThD - 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "By R.B. Theime, Jr. – 1972 Edited by Stephen E. LaFleur, ThD - 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 by R.B. Theime, Jr. – 1972 Edited by Stephen E. LaFleur, ThD - 2009

2 The Eyewitness Account of John “And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.” John 19:35 John was the one disciple who did not run away. He saw and described the irrefutable proof that Jesus Christ did not bleed to death. He took note of the entire proceedings and it was something he would never forget. Apparently, none of the women saw the blood clots and serum because they were weeping. Only John saw and understood the significant details. The Blood of Christ 1

3 The details of the crucifixion became fixed in his mind as an important doctrine from God, to be revealed later in writing through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Actually, there were two people who saw and were convinced. John in verse 35 and the soldier in verse 34. Both knew that Christ had died physically, and both knew that he did not bleed to death. The Roman soldier was an expert in determining death, especially by crucifixion, and the presence of blood clots and serum were further proof as the uniqueness of the death of Jesus. The Blood of Christ 2

4 John did not go up and touch the blood. Instead, it says that “he... bare record.” This is the Greek word “martureo” which means “to give evidence in court.” John saw the crucifixion personally and was a qualified witness. The word for “true” in the Greek is “alethinos” which could also be substituted for “trustworthy” or “credible” so the phrase literally means “and the one having seen... his evidence is trustworthy.” The Blood of Christ 3

5 “And one that knows that what he says is worthy of credit” so “THAT YE MIGHT BELIEVE”. “Pisteuo”, the Greel word for believe is, not used for salvation but as a part of your understanding doctrine. This is accomplished by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and faith. This knowledge must be believed to do any good. The mood of the verb “pisteuo” is potential: whether or not you decide to store the doctrine in your soul and apply that doctrine depends on your free will. The Blood of Christ 4

6 The Fulfillment of Scripture “for these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken” John 19:36 “These things” refer to the fact that none of the bones of Jesus were broken. He was to be our Passover Lamb, sacrificed for us (I Cor. 5:7) and the prophecy of Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, and Psalm 34:20 was to be fulfilled when the Roman soldiers did not break his leg. When the religious Jews persuaded Pilate to follow this course of action, it was an attack on the OT scriptures and therefore, an attack on the character of God. The Blood of Christ 5

7 If one part of the scripture is true, it is all true. Any time the promises and prophecies of God are fulfilled, it is a demonstration of His perfect character. If the soldiers had broken one bone in his body, then the Word of God would not be true. These OT passages were well known and understood. For the past 1500 years, the Jews had observed the Passover every year and had exercised the greatest care to not break a single bone in the Passover Lamb. Every time they went through this ritual, they were saying in effect, “God keeps His Word. He never fails.” The Blood of Christ 6

8 His bones not being broken is very significant to us. This means God keeps His Word to us today, just as He did then. And nothing depends on US. Everything depends on GOD, and that’s grace. That is the testimony of the broken bones. God has kept His Word throughout history. God is sovereign and omnipotent and has the authority and power to keep His Word. He is fair and just. God is eternal life and immutability, so His Word is forever and will never change. God is veracity, thus His Word is true. NOT ONE BONE COULD HAVE EVER BEEN BROKEN because God keeps His Word, regardless of the circumstances. The Blood of Christ 7

9 “and again another scripture saith, They shall look on him on him whom they pierced.” John 19:37 This is the fulfillment of Zechariah 12:10. Jesus carried out the most minute details of God’s plan to make sure every part of the Scriptures came to pass. He could not violate one point of the law. His entire conduct and all events leading up to and during the crucifixion were part of God’s master plan so that there could never be a doubt that He indeed was the Messiah. The Blood of Christ 8

10 End of Part Five The Blood of Christ 9

11 The Blood of Christ 1

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